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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Just had a knee replacement probably induced by playing a lot of basketball, and some football and baseball. Marching and PT in the Army. Hiking and jogging. But I too would do it all over again, except I would push myself harder if I could turn back the clock. As for soccer, I remember in the 8th grade for gym class they put us on a soccer field and had us go at it. 25 kids chasing a ball around. Never played it since then.
  2. I agree with the above statement, and maybe watch Pete Wenner's lastest video report. I almost hate to say this, but if you stick with the Ned all day you should run across a few quality fish. And if you're catching smaller fish, match your tackle to the fish and have some fun.
  3. Well with Champ and Donna's assistance we could probably put something together here in Bella Vista if there is enough interest. Plenty of places to stay round here for those of you that are a ways away.
  4. Uh-oh, Dave is going to break out the slide rule and Trigonometry tables.
  5. I hope no one from the Arkansas DMV reads that..
  6. Mizzou could be an instant powerhouse, would love to see somebody, anybody, knock Kentucky off their perch.
  7. I'm picturing a smashed beer can 15 feet up on a bluff wall.
  8. I came in on the afternoon shift after Muddy left. I had good numbers, caught 25, a few solid keeper large mouth, and a couple of borderline spots, the rest being shorts. Ned fish. There was an afternoon bite and most of mine were on the shallow side compared to where Muddy was getting them. I'd say the 5-15 foot range was best for me.
  9. Well maybe the older Porter will stay for 2 so he can play a year with his younger bro.
  10. I wonder how that will work out, Kentucky makes the one and done thing work, but other schools don't seem to have much luck with it. One of those being UW which just fired Romar. They had Markell Fultz this year and they stunk. Ironic that Porter was signed to UW, but now it looks like he can leave if he wants to. LSU with Ben Simmons is another one that comes to mind, I don't think they made the NCAA tourney with Simmons last year. I watched a few LSU games last year and I never got the impression that he was giving it a 100% effort. I could be wrong on that for sure. I think the danger of these one and dones, is that staying healthy and showcasing their skills is more important to them than winning. And I don't blame them, lots of money on the line.
  11. Do you think that Porter kid will be a one and done?
  12. I would like to see a link to the survey so that those who are not randomly selected could respond,
  13. M&M verified that the park is not open for camping until 5/01. Also no ramp fee.
  14. Some great colors you have there Skeeter.
  15. After reading this thread, I am ready to spend a week up there doing nothing but visiting the local restaurants.
  16. Glad to see ya'll go into some. I would love to catch some on the jerk bait before the water gets warm, but just can't seem to get them on it so far this year.
  17. Just be careful, it's very easy to go from wanting just a few to this:
  18. IMO we need clear labeling laws in our grocery stores and restaurants as to origins of the seafood we eat. Lengthy article in the link below, but I am going to be a bit more careful about eating imported shrimp for sure. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-12-15/how-antibiotic-tainted-seafood-from-china-ends-up-on-your-table
  19. Some nice fish for sure. Funny pics, one day is t-shirt weather, and then it looks like you are dressed for the arctic. Weather made some quick changes.
  20. Makes you wonder who the thieves sell them to.
  21. Beginning this year, you now need to bring a pencil rubbing or printed photo of or your HIN when registering a boat in Arkansas. Here's the change info: Beginning on and after January 1, 2017, the Department shall not renew or update ownership of a motorboat without verification that the hull identification number (HIN) complies with federal requirements. When renewing a motorboat, or applying for registration for a newly purchased new or used motorboat, the applicant must present verification that the HIN complies with federal law. Such verification may be a legible pencil rubbing or a legible printed photograph of the HIN. To obtain a pencil rubbing, place a piece of white paper, such as computer paper, over the HIN and rub a pencil over the paper until the number appears completely and legibly on the paper.
  22. Sorry to hear that motor blew.
  23. Nice video. What brand and model is the Yak?
  24. Wow, definitely a good day to be inside. Hawgs are playing Vanderbilt in the SEC semifinals and MLF is also on today.
  25. Usually I'll get the 2 day shipping here in 2 days, and 5 days if I go with free shipping. Weather can sometimes cause delays.
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