Fished 2 days in a row, should've just fished one day, based on the fishing today.
Yesterday Muddy Water and I launched at 0630 into thick fog and cold temps. That kept us close to Big M, but the fishing was pretty good to start. Stayed foggy for about 2 hours and once the sun came out it got slower, but we could still pick up a bass or two. By the time we left around 1 PM, we caught around 30 bass, 4 or 5 keeper sized. Our best baits were a T-rigged Mizmo tube and the Ned rig. Muddy also got a couple on a crank bait, and I caught a couple on a finesse jig. For the most part, fish were on rocky banks with deep water close by.
Today I fished by myself, launched at 0630, once more into the fog. Today the fog burned off fairly quickly leading to bright blue skies and no wind. Fishing was very tough for me, caught a half dozen short bass on the finesse jig and Ned. I could not figure anything out, and got off the water at noon.
Water temps were 66-67.