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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    One of my great granddads ate corn meal mush for breakfast every day. I'm told he mixed it with milk. He lived into his 90's. I think what he did was take cornbread, pour milk on it, and made his mush that way.
  2. Yep, I can see it being a concern, but according to those articles it is, as you say, a "possibility".
  3. No problem. Still haven't seen any factual evidence of disease spread by pen raised birds wiping out local populations. But. you know the bios, so maybe they can help you out? Spoon, all you have is speculation that the MDC manages game solely based on monetary value. And if the value is high enough, they ignore potential problems, do really think that is how they roll? BTW Spoon, do you even read your own links? That link you provided was referencing a Wyoming game farm and the outbreak was contained there. Got anything local? I don't know why you keep referencing captive deer, but if you read the article you should notice that MDC did try to take ownership of managing captive deer, and they weren't "influenced" they were defeated in a court case.
  4. Had a great uncle that flew a Mustang in WWII in Europe. He died when I was 12, I remember the pictures he had on the walls of his family room, but never had a good conversation with him about his experiences, I was just too young at the time.
  5. Supposed to have a few days this week in the 70's. I don't see that as helping. Usually mid-November is when I start throwing a jerk bait around, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  6. Well quite frankly your reasoning is also immaterial, and now you're bringing high fence operations into it which have nothing to do with birds,(and bear wrestiling? LOL). And you're also implying that MDC, which according to you, suspects pen raised birds of spreading disease, but won't take action because it may interfere with the few commercial enterprises that raise game birds. Have MDC biologists gone to the legislature and asked them to outlaw raising game birds? If they haven't, which I doubt, I don't think it is because they are afraid the legislature will give them a hard time, I would think it is because they don't see it as a realistic threat to wildlife populations.
  7. Well, that solves the mystery, thanks.
  8. I'm just not going to buy that line of reasoning, if those birds were a REAL threat I would have to believe MDC would shut it down, Hogs are much, much more destructive, and I would throw it out there that if hogs weren't destructive, MDC would probably not care if people hunted them or not. And if pen raised birds were disease carriers you would think the chicken and turkey producers would be raising Cain, but they aren't.
  9. Then I also have to ask, if they are a real threat, why don't the MDC and AGFC shut down pen raised bird operations? I can understand them being a bit worried, but there doesn't seem to be a problem.
  10. Maybe, but I don't see it happening in states llke SD or Kansas where there a large numbers of birds released on pay to hunt ranches. I would think in SD they would be seriously concerned if it were a real threat as those pheasants up there are a big deal.
  11. I think there's a bit of a difference in releasing game birds and hogs. Not to sound like a wise guy, but I have yet to hear of a MO farmer or one from AR complaining that their fields are bring torn up by pheasants or other game birds. Hogs are a completely different matter. I'm open minded on this for sure, but I just have only seen anecdotal evidence of people releasing hogs for hunting purposes. Might make sense to create a huge fine plus jail time for anyone caught releasing a hog if it's an issue.
  12. Yep, that's why I thought it might be a Spitfire, the elliptical wing ends. Just could not get a good enough look at it to be sure. Commemorative Air Force has one. Quote rom Wikpedia below. A second was auctioned in July 2015 at Christies, London. Being one of only four flying MK 1 Spitfires in the world, the aircraft fetched a record £3.1 million at auction on 9 July, beating the previous record for a Spitfire of £1.7 million set in 2009.
  13. I agree, they can probably never be totally eradicated. But, if they have a herd (I refuse to call them a sounder) that's tearing up farmland, there is the possibility of trapping the entire herd and removing them from that area. I admit I find it hard to believe that hunters turn pigs loose so they can come back and hunt the offspring later. I'm sure it has happened, but you would not think it is a common occurrence.
  14. Glad to hear you had a good time.
  15. I believe Viney is now open year round operated by the state. No hook ups available now, but you can camp and I believe it is $10 a day to camp. https://mostateparks.com/page/61549/viney-creek-recreation-area
  16. Thanks, that explains it. You have to have some major coin to own and operate one of those planes.
  17. For about the last several weeks there are a couple of WW II single engine fighter planes that fly by heading north parallel to US 71. They fly low, about 500 feet off the ground, and fly in close formation to each other. They aren't close enough for me to get a good look, but I think one is a P-51 and the other a Spitfire, but I am not sure. They just flew by again a few minutes ago heading due north, they'll probably fly by again heading south in a few minutes. Very loud engine noise, you can tell they aren't Cessnas or something similar just by the sound. Anyway, just curious if anyone has seen them or knows anything about them, such as what field they are flying from. I can't find anything online.
  18. Congrats to you also Mike.
  19. Where's Ham? Ham throws Nanofil (not really a braid), with a, I believe, Fluoro leader. I bet he's caught at least a couple of thousand trout on that set up.
  20. So if you blow on a hog call does it go PIG SOOOOoooiiiieeee?
  21. That looks like some fine fishing!
  22. No denying the fish were biting when Muddy was in the boat.
  23. Fished 2 days in a row, should've just fished one day, based on the fishing today. Yesterday Muddy Water and I launched at 0630 into thick fog and cold temps. That kept us close to Big M, but the fishing was pretty good to start. Stayed foggy for about 2 hours and once the sun came out it got slower, but we could still pick up a bass or two. By the time we left around 1 PM, we caught around 30 bass, 4 or 5 keeper sized. Our best baits were a T-rigged Mizmo tube and the Ned rig. Muddy also got a couple on a crank bait, and I caught a couple on a finesse jig. For the most part, fish were on rocky banks with deep water close by. Today I fished by myself, launched at 0630, once more into the fog. Today the fog burned off fairly quickly leading to bright blue skies and no wind. Fishing was very tough for me, caught a half dozen short bass on the finesse jig and Ned. I could not figure anything out, and got off the water at noon. Water temps were 66-67.
  24. OK, it is looking like 9 again on Friday and Saturday, with 5 or so on Thursday. I think that Johnsfolly might be down, so could total up to 10 on Friday and Saturday nights. You all could probably fit in Cedar Gables, and ask Miles to bring in a few cots as necessary.
  25. I pretty sure it's just Terrierman and one other person. I had 5 the first night (Thursday) and 9 the following nights. Looks like their may be two more? If so, then there may be at least 11 staying on Friday and Saturday nights. It's up to you all to decide if you're OK with 11 in the lodge or you'd like to maybe rent out a smaller place in addition. Miles can bring in extra beds/cots to the lodge.
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