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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I see what you mean, so the AR game is relevant.
  2. Well Jerry, your scenario is starting to look likely, Mizzou has a couple of challenging games left, at the Vols and then a tough Hawgs team at home, but I believe that with the victory over GA, they can lose one more and still go to the championship. I'd love to see Mizzou lose to the Vols, not because I'm a Mizzou hater, but it would make that last game with Arkansas an important game.
  3. Glad to hear you got into some, certainly well deserved considering the balmy weather.
  4. Yeah I didn't even think about looking at the score until I saw the comments here. Holy cow! Haith's seat has got be getting warm...
  5. Spent a lot of time in cougar country and was never fearful of them, but yeah if one came after my dog while out bird hunting I'd shoot it. Of course if it's close enough for me to mess it up with bird shot, it's way too close.
  6. Found a link to the story on the AGFC website. Pretty much the same one that ran in the Dem Gazette: http://www.agfc.com/Pages/newsDetails.aspx?show=859
  7. I wish the story had more details on whether the guy tried to scare it off and why he felt threatened. They called him, but the call was unanswered.
  8. 148 lb. male mountain lion was shot dead last Saturday outside of Hermitage which is in south-central Arkansas, reported in today's Arkansas Democrat Gazette (sports section). Hunter in a stand saw cougar moving towards him, felt threatened, so he shot it. No other details about the shooting were reported. AGFC is investigating, but no charges so far. Cougar's DNA was collected for analysis. First reported cougar shooting in Arkansas since 1975.
  9. I see Arkansas just announced they signed the number 1 Missouri prospect. A guard that they believe is capable of playing either as a one or a two. Rated 9th overall in the nation.
  10. Nice bag of fish there. Well Champ, I hope you and the better half run into some tomorrow. 19 degrees right now, no way I'm fishing today. Brown fish on a jerk bait - that sounds like fun!
  11. I did order a few today, and just got an email confirmation that they have been sent. Can't wait to fish them, only thing holding me back is this cold weather (yes I am a wimp).
  12. Ever check out inflatable pontoons? They were becoming pretty popular in the Pacific NW for fishing rivers for steelhead and salmon. Don't hear of them being used around here for some reason. There's a lot of size and rigging options for them. Do a search on "river pontoons" if you're interested.
  13. BPS shows the new colors as being "in stock".
  14. Read your link to answer your question.
  15. There is a forum for Norfork. Not a whole lot of activity however. http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/57-lake-norfork/
  16. I read it, as I said it did not pass because of Dem opposition. I do cherry pick info that is correct, and supports the truth.
  17. I think so, Democrats opposed this clean air legislation as it was proposed by a GOP president and for no other reason. Just curious Chief, are you capable of independent thought or can you only cut and paste links?
  18. "Ehh who knew" - You can thank GW Bush. To help states meet the new air quality standards, President Bush announced the most aggressive Presidential initiative in American history to cut air emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and mercury from power plants. The Clear Skies Initiative was sent to the Congress by the President in 2002 and re-introduced in February 2003. President Bush's initiative would dramatically improve air quality by cutting power plants' emissions of SO2, NOX, and mercury, by approximately 70 percent, more than any other Presidential clean air initiative. Clear Skies legislation will reduce emissions further, faster, with more certainty and at less cost to American consumers than under current law. Through a market-based trading structure modeled after the proven, successful Acid Rain reduction program of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, Clear Skies will remove more pollution over the decade from 2010-2020 than current requirements of the Clean Air Act, reducing the number of premature deaths, hospital trips, and missed days of work and school due to respiratory problems. Clear Skies legislation will also reduce the acid rain affecting forests and lakes in the Northeast, reduce nitrogen loadings into the Chesapeake Bay and improve visibility nationwide.
  19. Nice ones, those keeper sized spots are fun to catch.
  20. I'm wondering how far and how fast water temps will drop. I would think that a fast, sharp drop would not be good in the short term.
  21. Dang, foiled again!
  22. Here's some links for some BC info, if you are interested: Barkley Sound - http://www.salmonuniversity.com/vis_barkley_sound.html Rivers inlet - Some big kings return here, some of the lodges have boats that their guests can use instead of hiring a guide. They'll tell you how and where to fish and set you up. http://www.salmonuniversity.com/vin_rivers_inlet.html
  23. Having done a lot of salt water trolling for kings, it's all timing, you want to talk to the outfitters/guides and get their recommendations on the best times. It's always a bit of a gamble, like fishing always can be. You'll also find that the best places to fish and the best guides get booked at least a year in advance at the peak times. Kings are the glamour fish, everyone wants to get on them at the best times. If you're strictly after kings, don't forget British Columbia either, all the kings that are bound for Washington state and the BC rivers from Alaska, swim down the BC coast on their way to the spawning rivers. I don't know how the king fishing has fared in BC lately, I don't follow it anymore, but they had a strong run of Columbia river fish this year, so next year may be good if the runs remain strong.
  24. Yes thanks for the heads up. I just hope I can get a couple before Champ scoops them all up.
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