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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Tough loss last night, it was a game they had to win.
  2. Nice pic of that brown. Almost makes me want to take up trout fishing again.
  3. Here's another good jerkbait, the IMA Flit, you don't hear much mention of them. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Ima_Flit_Jerkbait/descpage-IRF.html#multiview
  4. Welcome!
  5. Quillback


    Watched the 2nd half, looked like the Hogs had it won, then they managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Why they had their punter roll out to the right and give it a little European style wuss kick is beyond me. No need for any gimmick punts, I hope I never see that play again.
  6. I'm hoping after a couple of days to adjust to this weather change, the bite will be on.
  7. I usually don't agree with Al, but I agree with him that we could not let those big financial institutions to go under, it was just too risky to let it happen.
  8. LOL, yeah I was wondering how this front would effect things.
  9. Welcome Fishskipper! Just as an FYI, there is a Beaver lake sub-forum on this site, that's where you would want to post your Beaver lake striper reports (just scroll down a bit on the main page). Your reports should be very popular, there's always guys asking in the Beaver forum if anyone knows where the stripers are. Here's a link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/56-beaver-lake/
  10. I think that's the problem, Smith doesn't seem able to throw the deep ball, which is fine if the Chefs are ahead, but concerns me when the Chefs face someone like the Broncos. Fortunately the Chefs have an easy schedule, looking ahead they face the Giants, Titans, Raiders, Texans, Browns and Bills. I could see them winning at least 4 of those games. Nice thing about the Thursday game is that it's almost like a bye week. I bet Jamaal Charles is one sore person today, a few extra days off will be good for him.
  11. You aren't kidding, IMO this win was because of the Chefs defence and special teams. Chefs play calling sometimes leaves me scratching my head also. And I am not impressed with Alex Smith, he's got to learn to drop back and throw the ball, instead of tucking it and starting to scramble around. But it could be that he's aware of his limitations as a passer and he won't throw it unless the receiver is wide open. That's a good thing as far as keeping the int's down.
  12. I've got to remember to try a fluke or grubs around docks.
  13. Had Jeb in the boat today, roaming the back deck. We launched at 0615, it's just starting to get a bit of light in the eastern sky at that time now, we fished a point close to Big M, not a bite, so we motored over to a secondary point that sets in between a couple of docks and got on a bite for a while. We were using bottom dragging stuff, c-rigged and t-rigged, Ol Monster, Ultravibe speed craws and the Megastrike Megabug. Dark colors were working, black/blue and green pumpkin. No bigguns at that spot, but we did boat a few 2 lb. largemouth. After that it got tough, flat calm for a bit and we worked hard for just a couple of bites. The wind picked up and we moved up to the Kings for a while, flipping jigs around cover, picked up a few shorts, except around 1030, out of the blue, Jeb hooked a big ol' bass on a finesse jig. Got it right up to the boat, the old brute got some air and threw the jig. Got a good look at it, it was an easy 6, maybe 7 lb. fish. Would have been nice to get it on the Boga and see what it weighed. Water temp was 79-81. A bit short of 20 bass between the two of us, about a dozen came in the first hour of the day.
  14. And if you've studied history, when the "have nots" rebel and replace the "haves" you just end up with a new group of "haves". Kick out the Czar, you end up with Stalin, kick out Louis the XVII (or whatever Roman numeral he was) you end up with Napoleon. Look at what has happened to China since the cultural revolution.
  15. Good read on the Royals season: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/09/18/a-thoroughly-enjoyable-season/
  16. The Fed has also been buying government bonds as part of QE. So what we have is the government buying it's own debt. What a country! Heaven help us if this whole house of cards ever collapses.
  17. I have been there, did a software installation job a few years back. Their football stadium is also huge, and they're going to spend $450 million to upgrade it, they are about to get huger But it's Texas, there's no such thing as "too big" in that state.
  18. I've never had an EW hook straighten on me because of a fish, but I've had tines on trebles bend out and cause fish loss. Even that has happened only a few times.
  19. Sad story, my condolences to his family.
  20. And we now have "special government employees", in this case Huma Abedin, wife of the infamous Anthony Weiner. A special government employee is one who continues to receive a paycheck from the US government, while at the same time working as a paid consultant. Perfectly legal, but not conducive to honest government. And for the sake of fairness, I'm sure there are plenty of Republicans taking advantage of this loophole. Beginning in January 2009, Abedin worked as a deputy chief of staff for Secretary Clinton – serving as an adviser to the secretary and supervisor of her schedule and travel. But following the birth of her son and a maternity leave, a quiet change took place in Abedin’s employment status. In June 2012, Abedin was reclassified as a “special government employee,” and she began working as a part-time senior adviser from her home in New York. During this time, Abedin continued to serve as an adviser to Clinton and helped plan her schedule and travel, but Abedin was not officially a deputy chief of staff – even though news reports gave her that title. The reclassification, meanwhile, allowed Abedin to bypass conflict-of-interest restrictions for federal employees – restrictions that are in place to ensure that government workers do not bring an outside financial stake to bear in their federal dealings. With the bypass, she could work as a consultant, even while still being paid by the State Department. Abedin took on three consulting roles. The Clinton Foundation hired her as a paid consultant, as did Teneo Holdings, a New York-based strategic planning and financial services firm that was cofounded by Doug Band, former chief adviser to former Pres.Clinton. Abedin also became a paid personal assistant to Mrs. Clinton (in addition to being Clinton’s government-paid senior adviser). How much did she earn in these roles? In May, Mr. Weiner and Abedin released their 2012 tax returns, which showed the couple made more than $490,000. The return indicated that Abedin earned $135,000 in her work for the State Department, but it did not specify what she made for her consulting.
  21. I just can't bring myself to shell out $20 for a deep diving crank, too easy to get snagged up.
  22. Great pics!
  23. Time is running out.
  24. You aren't kidding, I knew that colleges got quite a bit in donations, but I never imagined that a school like A&M could rake in over $700 million per year (this includes the extra $300 mill JFB brought in). With that kind of money sloshing around in the troughs you know some crooked pigs are in there feeding.
  25. Another RC STX user here. The Rogue Perfect 10 is a bait I plan to fish this winter, I fished it a bit last year, caught some fish on it. Had to put some lead on them to get them to suspend, but they do get down deep, 10 feet or so, and have a unique action. I wish they had some solid colors in addition to the ghost-like lineup they have, I may send a couple off to Tim Hughes to get painted. I really like Tim's Norman Flake.
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