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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Great report, thanks!
  2. How much honey will they produce in a year?
  3. Yep looking forward to seeing those shirts. I hope you'll carry a 2XL in long. With long sleeves. If so, I'll order one.
  4. BTW I see you mention using the reel for crappie and bluegill also. Where a baitcaster can get real finicky is tossing light baits, say less than a 1/4 oz(tossing light baits into a wind is really a challenge). It can be done, but it's tough when you're just starting out. Making sure you have a rod that is in the weight range of the bait you're tossing is important also.
  5. Well we got lucky in choosing the right place to start fishing once we got on the lake. And we were lucky to have that topwater bite happen close by where we were fishing. Good conditions also, weather was cool to start the day and the water trash stayed off the lake until about 0900.
  6. "Sky carp" - That is so funny!
  7. Good idea!
  8. Well then, kudos to you Chief also.
  9. Jeb and I launched out of Big M around 0530, we went down lake to a spot that has a few points fairly close together. We found a fairly good early bite, c-rigging plastics (OL Monster, Speed craw). That bite died down fairly quick, but the water got flat and a topwater bite started, I got a few on a pencil popper, while Jeb picked up a few on a Hopkins spoon tossed at the boils and a drop shot. The topwater bite lasted about 20 minutes, once it died we fished several points and picked up a few more fish on the Speed craw. I had a few bites on the FB jig, just could not stick them. We left at 1100, a little over 20 fish into the boat, but just a handful of keepers, biggest about 2.5 lbs.
  10. Yeap, If I was going to plan a trip to Beaver and had flexibility to choose dates, I'd pick mid/late-October. Weather is USUALLY pretty nice, daytime highs in the 70's, and the fish are biting. If you can go during the week, you won't encounter as much boat traffic as you would in August.
  11. OK, I won't call you names, if you behave likewise. Sorry, but I still don't agree with you about the viability of this riverkeeper idea. I don't see the logic of saying that existing government agencies can't address this because they aren't flexible, don't have any money or whatever reason you can think of. So let's create a new government agency? Yeah that will work.
  12. Never really thought of using a frog on TR or any of the White river lakes for that matter. But may have to try it next spring after seeing this video. There is some advertising in this, but the guy is fishing TR and catching bass. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/vlogpage.html?ccode=VLOG201
  13. Because they're spending your money.
  14. Well I could say arguing that the government needs to spend more money will solve this and every other problem isn't getting us anywhere either. Sorry, but I can't see what is wrong with asking government to properly allocate the money it has to address issues such as drunken river canoers. Just because YOU think it's a good idea doesn't mean it is. Our nation and many of the states are burdened with huge debt because thoughtless people like YOU think the answer to every problem is to throw money at it. That attitude isn't getting us anywhere except deeper in debt.
  15. I have yet to see a government agency that will admit to being overfunded. They all have "budget problems". The money is there, it's a matter of priority.
  16. Congrats on you recovery! I would not recommend throwing topwaters to stripers however, one of those things blowing up on your lure could give anyone a coronary!
  17. At least here in Arkansas I still don't see the need to charge a river fee to hire "Riverkeepers" or whatever. Not that it's a bad idea. The AGFC rakes in $75 million a year, and if herding drunken canoers should be deemed a priority enforcement issue (and the only way it will become a priority is through public outcry directed to the AGFC commission), then the AGFC has plenty of money to throw at this issue. Maybe in Missouri the MDC is underfunded, so a fee might make sense there. I also have to admit that every time there's a problem, the perceived fix is to create a tax or fee to have government solve it. I'm fed up with the "Nanny state" mindset. What next? Webcams mounted on every tree in the wilderness so law enforcement can bust us if we break one of the many rules we've created? Sounds like we need a fee!
  18. Thanks for the report, I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow AM. (If I can get out of bed early enough).
  19. Here's a couple of budget numbers, you can find out more, if you're interested, by googling "AGFC budget" Budget for 2012-21023 is roughly $73 million. Thought it interesting that they're spending $90,000 on the Joneboro office for furniture and refurbushing (I mention this because I doubt you'd get $90,000/year from an Ozark river usage fee, to get $90,000 you'd have to charge 9,000 users $10 each for example,). Also, it should be noted that about 40% of the AGFC budget is for personnel costs. "Approved the AGFC budget for fiscal year 2012-13, totaling $72,950,869. *Approved a budget increase of $90,349 for purchase of office furniture, temporary rent and moving expenses for the new AGFC Jonesboro Regional Office."
  20. I'm not at all in favor of Arkansas creating an Ozark river usage fee. The AGFC gets 1/8% sales tax in addition to all the other fee money they already get. Not to mention gas leases on AGFC land. And the federal money coming in through the fed tax on certain sporting goods. AGFC gets plenty of money, the issue is where it is spent.
  21. Got a tenth of an inch or rain yesterday, but today it's coming down hard, great stuff!
  22. Glad to hear some good reports, I think I'll pay a visit this week.
  23. Got a little yesterday, but not near enough, but could get some more the next 2 days.
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