Picked up a copy of the AR Democrat Gazette yesterday at the grocery store - I seldom read the paper anymore, but if I think of it, I'll get a Thursday copy as it has an outdoors section.
Story in there advocates for keeping browns on the Little Red, according to AGFC there are TOO MANY (LOL) 14-16 inch browns and the competition for food keeps them from growing to trophy size. There are wild and self sustaining, AGFC does not stock them in the Little Red.
What was also interesting is that even though there are a lot of them in the river, they are tough to catch compared to stocked rainbows so the perception amongst anglers is that there aren't that many, but electro-fishing by AGFC confirms that there are loads of them in the river, they are just tougher to catch.
That's a brief summary, and is not my opinion, never have fished the Little Red, just relaying what AGFC is saying.
Personally I have no problem with catching 14-16 inch wild browns, but I infer from the article that AGFC is hearing feedback from anglers that they would like to have bigger fish to catch.