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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. That's a tank! Congrats!
  2. Scary stuff. I saw a news blurb where they were constructing 2 new 1,000 room hospitals in Wuhan. One of the strains of flu going ad here right now is pretty nasty too. My buddies wife has it and she is really sick. Latest flu shot doesn't cover that strain either.
  3. I can't tell how much clearer it is on the lower end, but definitely more viz up there. A person I talk to who is a regular has fished both ends lately, and he nailed them down on the lower end. He also had some bad days there. Seems to be if you can find those big schools and of course fish them the right way, you can do really well as we're seeing. And something else, his keeper ratio to shorts was much better on the lower end.
  4. Upper end is sure been fishing different this year, and that's not been just my experience. Pre-spawn approaching, I'm interested to see what we'll have then.
  5. Didn't realize it was 2 big fish, thought it was two pic of the same one. Well, congrats again! I hate those mystery fish, big ones that you have on that get off before you get a chance to at least identify them.
  6. Sorry you guys are offended. You call somebody a "Suzy" and some folks will respond in a negative way. You've in effect called them out. This is a public forum, all of us need to act in the same way we would in public. If you tick somebody off with your comments, you can delete them yourself once you realize that you caused offence, might help to send an apology to them too. But people won't do that, so someone has to do it for them. I realize what Wrench said was said in jest, but it didn't appear that way to the other member. The whole conversation had to go. You think that Phil likes that kind of stuff? He doesn't, he's considered shutting down the board entirely because of stuff like this.
  7. Would be good to see Reid and the Chiefs win the SB. Interesting game, I think that it comes down to the Chiefs being able to score on the Niners. Niner offense isn't capable of playing catch up in my opinion. Mahomes is slippery and he will need to be because that Niner front 4 are going to be after him.
  8. Lot of trees and a tiny bit of snow. About 100 yards back in those trees sits a bulldozer, and some of those trees will be gone as they are going to put in a house. I don't see too many deer there, they are out there, but that isn't one of the places they hang out.
  9. Wrench you are over reacting. Think it over, this forum is too big a part of your life for you to leave. Just be a little more thoughtful on calling people names, not everyone is in tune with your sense of humor. We can't have people calling each other out.
  10. Nope not kidding.
  11. Ok, went in and deleted the calling out of people stuff. None of us should be doing that.
  12. Today looks to be the last day for this cold weather. High temps near 50 for the foreseeable future. Getting my gear ready...
  13. The pelicans usually will make an appearance somewhere around Big M in early spring but they only hang around for a week or two.
  14. Yep, this weather is just a bit too cold and wet to make the drive to TR or Beaver for that matter. I have fished a couple of afternoons on the local BV lakes in the last week or two, fishing was slow, but did get a 5 lber slow rolling a spinner bait in deep water. Looks like the weather will warm enough that I might get out on one of the big lakes in a few days. Dog days of winter are about over, it can still be cold out in February and March, but it's that time of year that the bigguns come out. Haven't seen any robins here.
  15. M&M has the permits $10 voluntary donation, proceeds to go to CAM (Christian Action Ministries) Here are the rules, such as they are. Feel free to bring food. We had a pretty good spread last year. March 21, 2018, Eagle Rock COE Ramp, 0630 start time, Tournaments ends at 1430. Must be a registered OA member to participate. Big bass format, largest weight wins. Any black bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, Meanmouth) are eligible, but only one bass will qualify as the biggest. Trophy will be awarded to the winner (and just think of the bragging rights you will have on the forum). Immense prestige will accrue to the winner of this tournament. You can fish multiple people out of a boat, but the trophy will go to the individual that weighs in the biggest bass. You can trailer to another Table Rock launch if you prefer. Typical bass tourney rules apply - No bait, no trolling, and no A-rig or multi-arm lures. No promises on what will be there as far as food, but last year things came together and we had a pretty good spread. I recommend you bring your own drinks. Always a chance that weather could be bad in March, if it is looking bad enough to make travel treacherous then we will have to reschedule. We'll notify everyone a day or two in advance it if looks like bad weather. Past winners 2015 - Kbilb 2016 - Little Jasper 2017 - Carl W 2018 - Kbilb 2019 - Kbilb 2020 - Your moniker here?
  16. Amazingly my previous bird dog that I hunted with when I lived in Washington state never was sprayed by a skunk. Buddies dog that was about 10 feet from mine got a full dose, but missed my dog. Another time we were loading up after hunting, I just put my dog in the kennel and my buddies two dogs were off to the side of the lot rolling in something, that something was a bag full of rancid fish remains - that stink was so bad it just about made me sick, we had nothing to wash them off with so we had to head to the nearest creek. My dog was also standing next to one of the other dogs when the other dog got bit by a rattler - again no damage to my dog. Only thing that ever got him was a porcupine - he got quills in his mouth and snout. Had to got to the vet for that one.
  17. Congrats!
  18. Quillback


    You would think drones and UAV's would be the wave of the future for the military. With F-35's at $100 million each and the new Raider B-21 bomber estimated at $530 million each soon to start production (and you know the cost will increase), seems it would be lot less expensive to develop UAV's capable of handling air combat instead of these incredibly expensive manned aircraft.
  19. That sounds like fun - looking forward to hearing how you do.
  20. I had a 17' Whaler Montauk, 90 HP Merc, when I lived in Washington State fished out of that rig for 13 years in the salt, and I fished a lot. Boat was still running when I sold it and moved here. I ran freshwater thought the motor using those ear deals every time I brought it home and rinsed off the (galvanized) trailer. You can use a boat in the salt for a long time, just be diligent in rinsing away that salt. Used to use Penn 209's on my trolling rigs, they are built like tanks, never rinsed them off, they just kept on ticking.
  21. This is a new show. He did one before on the White where they were throwing cranks, this one it is Rogues.
  22. Gist of an email sent to me today: District 1 Fisheries Staff aged the Beaver Lake Striped Bass population in 2018 and found that Striped Bass are growing very fast. Biologists can age fish using an otolith; a calcified structure found in a sack of fluid under the fishes' brain. This structure helps in balance and sensing vibrations in water. The structure has annual growth rings similar to those used to age a tree. Beaver Lake Striped Bass grow very fast and reach 28 inches in 4 years. This growth rate is among the fastest in the country. The many high water events experienced on Beaver Lake have led to very good forage populations and the Striped Bass are responding very well. A trophy Striped Bass may be waiting for you in Beaver Lake!! Get out there and enjoy some great fishing.
  23. So today I watched the Jarrett Edwards Outdoors show and he was throwing jerk baits on Antero reservoir (Colorado). They caught some pretty nice trout.
  24. As far as I can tell, they are not archived anywhere. Viewing it on the Outdoor channel may be the only option.
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