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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. No A-rigs.
  2. Yeah, keep posting the fish pics, I'll do my part also. I enjoy seeing other people catching fish, and I enjoy hearing the stories. If the other guy is catching more and bigger fish than I am, it gives me something to shoot for.
  3. I agree, nice meanmouth, oops, hybrid.
  4. I have used the KVD stuff and as someone mentioned above, it seems to last for about 10 casts.
  5. I did a little poking around on the web, looks like they are going to stock rainbows again in the lower lagoon. They made some modifications that will prevent rainbows escaping into the river. There does appear to be something of a steelhead run on the river (Santa Clara) and much effort to restore the run. I hope they are able to do so.
  6. I believe it is Castaic where they stopped stocking trout, that's the lake that produced some huge bass. Something to do with rainbow trout escaping the lake and the danger that those escapees could somehow spawn with native steelhead below the dam, except that there haven't been any steelhead seen there in years. I read somewhere that they are considering triploids as they can't spawn.
  7. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Liverwurst out of the round sausage like packaging, sliced thick, on white bread with mayo - good stuff!
  8. I like this video, photography is really well done. C'mon weather, warm up, I am ready to go fishing!
  9. I know someone's brother that caught a 9.5 on a trotline a couple of years ago. It was released alive.
  10. I have a new fishing buddy, Mike, that lives here in BV. He haunts HLS, I just call him to get what I need, he's already there. Perfect way to get stuff before you get there to clean them out.
  11. I hear you on that, but I just don't see BPS letting them be Cabelas like Cabelas used to be. I would also like to see Cabelas remain Cabelas, and not some kind of hybrid where you don't know what they'll be doing long term as far as products. I don't think that is going to happen. That's why I'd like to see them just go full BPS and end the speculation.
  12. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    I love Spam - think slices right out of the can, mustard and white bread. I realize it ain't a health food, so I don't do it very often.
  13. I would be OK with them redoing the Cabelas in Rogers to make it BPS. Get 'er done and quit messing around.
  14. Did they have an Ozark stream exhibit? Be neat to see one with the smaller fish in it, sculpins, darters, etc.,
  15. Go get him guys, we need our Babler reports!
  16. ALX rods is having a pick the winner contest, win a jerk bait rod. https://www.alxrods.com/pick-winner-contest/
  17. Bringing food and other stuff is voluntary. Rps - Horseradish cole slaw M&M, Patlock - Plates/utensils/napkins/bowls Crazy4fishin - Dogs/brats/burgers Quillback - grill, charcoal, cups, Cheesemaster - Chips, Doritos Sharkbait -- lettuce, tomatoes, onions Dblades - Buns Lake Lover - Drinks Kbillb - Cuke salad Phil - Plaque, scales, food Muddy Water - Chili/dogs
  18. Here's what I have, you can reply on this thread if you're coming and I don't have you on the list. Getting an approximation so those who are bringing food know how many will be here. Lake Lover Fowlthing and Dfowlthing11 Cheesemaster Dblades Daryk Campbell SR Olbasser Rps M&M - Patlock Phil Lilley and Bill Babler Crazy4fishin Royal Blue (Game time decision) Sharkbait - Jim McManus Dwiebenga Smithville Steve and buddy Kbillb and son Kdc (if work allows) Champ and Donna Bushbeater Brotherdill CarlW (defending champion) Ken Drish Mrsmallfish and son-in-law
  19. Well I just removed and replaced about half my lineup.
  20. Well I was hoping for some good fishing today, but it was not to be. Took my buddy Mike over with me, we launched at Eagle Rock and worked our way downstream, mainly fishing points and steep banks, usually throwing the Ned with a little jerk bait tossing mixed in. We finished with a grand total of 4 bass, 2 of them were fat keeper spots. Deep fish, around 20 feet down. Wind really started howling later in the morning which did not help. Saw some diving birds, they probably caught more than we did. Wt 42-44
  21. Cool. glad to see it working, neat older reels. I think they made those late 80's early 90's.
  22. Those are some Mongos! (Blazing Saddles was on again last night). Mongo like!
  23. Cool, we look forward to seeing the 2 of you there!
  24. Just keep the Z-Man stuff in there. The corners of the box start to curl up after a couple of months, and I'll just toss the box and get another one when that happens, those little Plano boxes are only $2.50 each.
  25. Just so happens the latest issue of Bass Times has an article on boat safety and handling (what a coincidence!). Van Dam was a contributor and he claims that there's a maneuver you can do with a bass boat where basically you do a 90 degree turn coming off plane and can stop it pretty quick. He didn't go into details on how to do it, and it's not something I would try unless I received instruction on how to do it.
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