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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Sure, bring it, sounds good to me.
  2. You could probably bring a dozen or so if you like, a couple of years ago someone brought a lot of doughnuts but very few were eaten.
  3. Corps web site says the park doesn't open for camping until 5/1.
  4. We have moved the date to Saturday, 4/22. Let me know if any of you are coming, and I'll put you on the roster.
  5. Sorry to hear that. We'll figure out a way to get some tables.
  6. OK, looks like 4/22 is a go. M&M is going to get the new permits - Thanks Mike! Same rules as always, check the pinned message at the top if you have questions on the rules. Start time 0630 (You can launch where you want on Table Rock), but the weigh in will be at the Eagle Rock COE park at 1430 (2:30 PM). Biggest bass wins the trophy. Bring a $10 donation if you like, (voluntary) proceeds to go to the Christian Action Ministries food bank in the name of the winner. OK, here is the list of probable attendees so far, post a message if you aren't on the list and will attend. And let us know if you are bringing any food items/utensils/grills/charcoal etc. Muddy Water M&M and Patlock dtrs5kprs Phil Lilley 96 Champ dwiebenga Champ & Donna Crazy4fishin rps Sore Thumbs MagicWorman Dblades Royal Blue Mofloatjunkie and JerryS 96 Champ Olbasser Shark Bait kbillb
  7. Looking at the generation chart, they ran some water yesterday.
  8. Or dropped treble hooks that magically disappear.
  9. Never have fished one of those opens where you don't know who you are going to be in the back seat with, but I've heard a LOT of stories from people that have. My informal guesstimate is that about 75% of those back seat experiences were good ones, and about 25% were really bad. And the bad ones are so bad that they are funny in the retelling.
  10. But limp like mono? Looking for something that doesn't spring off a spinning reel when you don't want it to.
  11. I think the upper end is just fishing better right now, even though there are always exceptions. Not seeing the shad activity on the upper end like I'm hearing you guys fishing the lower end talking about. The bass may not be roaming as much chasing shad up here, making them easier to find. Then again, I could be totally wrong on that, but something to ponder.
  12. I bet they worked well.
  13. OK, well it looks to be leaning towards Saturday, 4/22.
  14. Moon is out and shining directly overhead, but I can see those storm clouds, they are probably 30-40 miles away, very tall and lots of lightning. Very strong looking system. Hope everyone pulls through OK.
  15. I might pick up a spool of the CX mono.
  16. I always wonder why if a line that's rated at 8 lb. test has a much higher breaking strength, then I tend to suspect the line manufacturer of understating the line strength. As far as I know there's no bureau of standards that measures fishing line breaking strengths. Line diameter is another measurement you might want to look at when comparing lines. If you're buying line that is rated at 10 lb. test, but breaks at 15 lbs of pressure, then that's not 10 lb. test line.
  17. They work pretty well on Table Rock for winter time deep fish. I haven't fished them much, but that is what I've been told. You also want don't want to work them very hard.
  18. No it wasn't on you, it's on the weatherman.
  19. Pretty good idea.
  20. We have decided to cancel and try and reschedule. Weather forecast, especially for Springfield is looking pretty bad.
  21. We've decide to CANCEL for this Saturday and try and reschedule.
  22. Folks we are going to have to CANCEL for this Saturday and try and reschedule. Sorry, I was really looking forward to this, but the weather just looks to be potentially nasty.
  23. Well folks, the darn weather is going to force us to cancel and try and reschedule. I really hate to do this, but a lot of folks won't be able to make it due to the weather, and it could be downright dangerous out there especially for folks coming down from the north. Looking to reschedule if there is enough interest, for either 4/22, or 5/13 - both days being Saturdays. Going to need to refile permit applications so need to move it out a bit. Couple of big tournaments are scheduled on 4/29 and the following weekend, so that is why I picked the two dates I did. But, no matter what date we pick, it won't work out on everybody's schedule. Could be a good top water bite on May 13.
  24. I bet they could sell a few TW logo golf balls.
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