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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Well I saw the early morning moon, launched on one of the Bella Vista lakes at 4 AM. Nice and cool morning, little 12" bass were biting good, but didn't get any of those 3-4 lb. fish like you did. I did have one on that was pulling pretty hard, but it tossed the jig.
  2. Nice - doesn't look like you were too far off shore either.
  3. Those bluff/rocky/steep banks could hold redear, maybe that is what you were seeing on those types of banks.
  4. Saturday summer time boat ramps, I have come to expect that if I go out on a Saturday there will be someone that will throw a monkey wrench in the works. I like your plan of attack, I have been meaning to do that myself, fish for bass early, then break out the redworms. Only difference is I would bring home about 10 of those gills.
  5. Rapala has come out with some craw imitations for the DT series.
  6. Please, no more baits...
  7. So would they have been charged if they spent their adolescent and teenage years working in an air conditioned building?
  8. The arms race thing with high schools and especially colleges is out of control. Arkansas is paying Bielema $4 million per year, that's ridiculous. Colleges could cap a coaches salary at say $250,000 per year, which is darn good money, and I bet you'd have people lined up out the door for those jobs and we'd have quality football, no different than what we have today. Then there's the upgrading of athletic facilities, basically colleges just keep spending more on facilities to aid recruiting, it does nothing for the football we see on the field, but it's a must in the recruiting wars. And Arkansas spends all that doggone money and loses to the like of the Toledo Rockets, sheesh...
  9. Yes you would be sure to tick off some of your sponsors if you did anything that might cover up any of their logos. I do think that's a great idea to attach the bag to one of the power poles. Might I suggest one of those red Arkansas Hog flags for your other Power Pole? A nice big flag, about 6' X 4'.
  10. Those flies must have polished off all the dead stinky Zebra mussels left behind by the falling lake levels. Now they are going after......humans!
  11. Picked up a Pradco Deep Little N. Looks identical to the pre-Pradco ones, but it does say on the package that they are now made in Guatemala. I'm sure it's a good business decision for Pradco, but hate to see another US based business bite the dust.
  12. I like Owner Hyper wire myself, relatively thin diameter wire compared to some other rings, but they are strong and do not deform when you are putting them on or taking them off. I use the #2's for the 90 Plopper, jerk baits, and medium sized cranks. #3 for 130 Ploppers and bigger cranks, top waters. If you look at them (Owners) on Tackle Warehouse, they have a chart with inner/outer dimensions and breakage ratings. Might be more info than anyone wants or needs, but it is there. Unfortunately it is not there for the other brands of rings, so it is hard to make comparisons. I really like Texas Tackle split ring pliers for those smaller rings like the #2.
  13. Thanks for posting that newsletter. Always interesting to read, even though I never fish those lakes.
  14. Wow, that is very nicely organized. I fall short of those standards, I have a little Plano pocket sized box I keep them in. I glue mine on at home, I don't trust myself and super glue when out on the lake. I'm on my 2nd Plano box for Neds, and need to get another one to replace the current one I am using. The outside corners of the box start curling up and it won't close. I believe it is from long time contact with Elaztech. Not a big deal as it is a cheap box.
  15. Things were tough this morning - caught a dozen total, not one keeper, couple of 14" smallies were the biggest fish I caught. Keitech wasn't too good today. Caught a few on top, a couple on the Ned, but most on a 3/8 oz jig. Water temp was 84, water is still somewhat stained. Saw Pepe and crew out there today, hopefully they had a better day as far as catching fish.
  16. Looks like they have been running water the last few days and the lake has dropped 6" or so. I would also think that would be a positive as far as the bite, but maybe not.
  17. The ol' lipless crank bait. I have been meaning to try one on the suspenders, but haven't gotten around to it.
  18. Thanks guys for the information.
  19. You would think it might help, but I confess to knowing zilch about walleye behavior.
  20. Well, that's a big spotted bass. Sounds like water temps have cooled own a bit since I was last there.
  21. Looks like the first week of May, at least this year when they had that tourney, would also be a good time to go. What was neat was that fish were being caught with several methods - top water, fishing deep diving cranks, swimmers, or going shallow and flipping jigs and plastics.
  22. Watched the recap of the BASS tourney on Toledo Bend that took place earlier this year. Chris Lane used the Plopper to good effect. Looked like the 130 size. I sure would like to get down there and fish that lake.
  23. Pepe, I live in BV, feel free to shoot me a PM with any questions you have.
  24. Welcome KCFinesse! Is KC for Kansas City or Kimberling City?
  25. To really pull it off, he needs a coonskin hat.
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