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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. There are a bunch of them out there, seems there is a video for every bass technique you can think of.
  2. 2 weeks until the Hawgs travel to Mizzou. Should be a good game.
  3. Sweet! I have no doubt they will catch bass.
  4. Since we're talking about clothing, AGFC has short and long sleeved 100th anniversary T-shirts for sale. Reasonably priced. I like the long sleeve with the smallie on the back. http://www.agfc.com/store/Pages/Merchandise.aspx?action=ShowDetails&itemId=16
  5. Just yanking your chain - glad to hear you guys had a good time.
  6. Quillback

    What The Heck?

    HAHA, yeah probably one of those deals where if you click on it, you get a free download.
  7. I beg to differ, LOL.
  8. I'll probably toss it around some myself. I had one day last year where I caught something like 10 Kentucks on it off a bluff end. Had the bobber pulled down on something like 15 straight casts. Other than that, my other attempts with the FNF have been futile.
  9. Great pics - what camera are you using?
  10. Watched that game also last night. Keanau Post had a great game. I haven't seen enough of him to know if it was a fluke, or if he's capable of that kind of play on a consistent basis. Good win for Mizzou.
  11. I'm going to wear my "free" Tackle Warehouse T-shirts no matter what you guys think..
  12. There was a write-up yesterday in the Bentonville paper. Winning big bass was 5.15, and the guys who had the big bass also won the tourney. Came on a craw colored crankbait (Wiggle Wart most likely). Winners claim they caught their fish in the Hickory creek area up shallow in stained water.
  13. Thanks for sharing.
  14. HAHA, resistance is futile...
  15. Doesn't help FLW when one of the top guys, Brent Ehler, moves over to BASS.
  16. Quillback

    What The Heck?

    I'll let Phil know.
  17. Quillback

    What The Heck?

    I spoke too soon - I see that Eastern Red Cedar in my post above has been turned into a link.
  18. Quillback

    What The Heck?

    Let's see if I type Eastern Red Cedar if it adds a link. Well it did not - rps you may have VigLink running on your PC.
  19. Quillback

    What The Heck?

    That link thing is kind of weird - when I hover the cursor over one of them it says - "Link added by VigLink".
  20. I think an A-rig with 5 of those V-44's would be a bass killer for sure.
  21. Excellent, thanks for posting.
  22. What did that old potato chip commercial say - something like "It's hard to eat just one". Hard to just buy one of these cranks.
  23. Good job Brett, enjoyed watching!
  24. Didn't Mike McClelland have something to with the design? Local guy who knows what works around here.
  25. Something tells me the fish around here are going to see a lot of that bait.
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