I would not point fingers at any group of fishermen, if this is intentional, which I believe it is, then it the work of an extremely sick individual.
I've caught thousands of bass over my lifetime, I've never caught one with a lip that has been split like that.
I want the one with the chartreuse panels on it. It will match my spinner baits. I've been waiting years for a motor that matched my spinner baits. Thank you Evinrude!
4 game series between these two starts this week, Royals 1.5 out, I'd like to see them split this series at the least. They are definitely in the hunt for a Wild Card spot. If they could just pick up a big bat it would help immensely.
I use Boga grips sometimes to weigh fish, if used properly they cause no harm. I have never caught a bass with a split in it's jaw as described above. I don't know how that can be caused unless it's intentional. Hook setting, gripping lower lip, etc., is not going to rip them like it's been described.