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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. My finger is doing fine (thanks for asking). I haven't been since last week because of the forecasts for rain. Maybe tomorrow.
  2. Lilley's Landing carries the jigs, they can help you I'm sure on what the best colors/sizes are. Check out this video.
  3. I'll take a decal, I'll PM you my address.
  4. Green pumpkin orange it is. Here is a link: http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Z_Man_Zinkerz_6pk/descpage-ZMANZKR.html#multiview
  5. Some beautiful gills!
  6. Thanks for the report, good to see those happy clients!
  7. That's a sharp boat Sholder. Have you thought about listing it on Bass Boats Central? http://www.bassboatcentral.com/boats4sale.htm
  8. This rain event sort of fizzled out. I like 917, hopefully it will stay there for a while.
  9. Bosox, or Papi.
  10. Thanks for the report, that's some great fishing!
  11. In that case, I think "Einstein" would be appropriate..
  12. He won by 4-8. The story: http://www.flwoutdoors.com/bassfishing/bfl/tournament/2014/7277/wilson-lake-headline-story/156136/sykora-secures-wilson-win/#.U5Sidn4o6Uk
  13. Johnny Morris.
  14. It's over 916.5 and still rising.
  15. Table Rock has jumped over a foot and could rise some more. Good opportunity to fish it over and through buck brush.
  16. That is very neat to meet and fish with those guys, and I bet they really enjoyed fishing Taney!
  17. Seems everything has been just to the north, got an inch or so Wednesday, but only a few brief spurts since then.
  18. I guess it could happen, but the last few days they've been predicting all kinds of rain for NW AR and it hasn't rained very much.
  19. Looks like some great fishing!
  20. You're right, that was very WRONG for those guys to throw a Spook with treble hooks up close to you.
  21. Sorry to hear about your loss - Good idea to let us know about the GLX, no doubt the thieves will try and sell this stuff somewhere, always a chance one of us will run across it. I was fishing near a small resort dock the other day early in the morning, I could see a couple of rods sitting out in the open in a boat that was docked there overnight.
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