Here's a couple of budget numbers, you can find out more, if you're interested, by googling "AGFC budget" Budget for 2012-21023 is roughly $73 million. Thought it interesting that they're spending $90,000 on the Joneboro office for furniture and refurbushing (I mention this because I doubt you'd get $90,000/year from an Ozark river usage fee, to get $90,000 you'd have to charge 9,000 users $10 each for example,). Also, it should be noted that about 40% of the AGFC budget is for personnel costs.
"Approved the AGFC budget for fiscal year 2012-13, totaling $72,950,869.
*Approved a budget increase of $90,349 for purchase of office furniture, temporary rent and moving expenses for the new AGFC Jonesboro Regional Office."