The fireplace birds look great.
My main bag I carry have a dozen G&H mallards, 4 resting mallards, 1 duck butt, 6 woodies, and 5 pintails.
The ones in the pool were a bunch of teal dekes that I found on clearance a few years back. I spray painted a dozen black and made coots out of them and left the rest teal.
I have another bag of bluebills I made out of some Flambeau Mallards I bought on clearance, spray painted black and white, when I need some divers.
I like to mix brands of mallards so I don't toss out dekes that look all the same. I have 2 dozen Carrylites that I bought on sale and 2 dozen Greenhead Gear cheapies. Another bag has a dozen Flambeau mallards in it.
Most of the time, I stick with the main bag and keep it down to about 2 dozen ducks with a goose floater or 2 and a robo duck.