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Everything posted by Seth

  1. The number of tourneys on LoZ is insane. I don't know how anybody could say otherwise. Everything about that lake is excessive (boat traffic, bass tournaments, etc). That's why I avoid it like the plague between May-November.
  2. The logistics of keeping everybody honest and making sure that scales are all the same make, model and calibrated exactly the same just doesn't seem like a real possiblity. If you're going to do the catch/release deal then I think you'd have to go by inches. That's how the kayak guys do it. I don't think you'd see the same interest in inches tournaments, but I could be wrong. I'd likely still fish them regardless since I'm just there to have a good time more than anything.
  3. Abiding by MDC regs is abusing the resource? And here I thought the point of those regs was to prevent that. Otherwise it's poaching and illegal. No wonder LOZ is still kicking out those big bags of bass! Must be due to all the tournament guys abiding by those regulations. 😁
  4. Isn't that the area where most of the tournaments are held anyways? If the best fishing is in the area where the majority of tourneys are held, wouldn't they just be recyling the same retreads and leaving the upper 70 miles of the lake untouched for the most part? I think the Glaize arm meets the main channel at the 20mm or somewhere around there.
  5. Impossible! @fishinwrench has confirmed that relocating all those poor bass during tournaments is destroying the fishery! That sounds like one epic trip!
  6. I guess MDC better start offering a grant program so clubs can afford boat officials, calibrated scales, and a web based live streaming platform to every bass club in the state. 😁
  7. Couple guys in our river club caught 22lbs in USA Bassin the week before. Pretty sure they were out deep too. Still only got 2nd. Big bags been getting caught lately.
  8. They aren't as comfortable as the higher end glasses but not terrible either. I've worn them all day during a few tourneys already and they didn't feel uncomfortable. With them being so cheap, I can just throw pairs in the boat, truck, and anywhere else I can think of and not worry about forgetting them.
  9. I'm fancy and only wear the high end stuff....
  10. Based on the number of trout I've caught in Taneycomo with hooks coming out of their rectums, they seem to somehow pass them with decent success. If the fish swallows the hook, cut the line and refrain from digging it out or pulling on the line and yanking it out with hemostats.
  11. I'd defintely keep Taneycomo or Lilley's in the name regardless. You are the face of Taneycomo in my opinion.
  12. I've heard of it for years, but never have tried it. It's really not much different than fish guts.
  13. Browns love corn. Dad has caught more nice browns on it than anything else. Not going to lie. We used to chum with corn off the docks in my early Taney days (20+ years ago). It was mainly to draw in the suckers but there were plenty of nice browns that showed up to the feast.
  14. The only things that come to mind are the rocks by the mouth of Fall Creek, the shoal at the Narrows and the root wad below the island/Rebar hole area, and the root wad just above Trout Hollow.
  15. Seth

    A few from my pond

    We've thrown flathead in ponds a few times and I don't think we've ever been able to catch them again.
  16. I'm sure fuel prices are playing a part too. I was pumped to come down and fish that high water myself. Hoping to make it down and fun fish before they kick the water back and our bass club tournament schedules gets underway.
  17. I've never worked so hard to catch so many stockers than I did during the last CAM that I fished. We started out up in the trophy area and caught some decent fish but it didn't take me long to realize I'd be far better off just beating the slower pockets down lake for stockers since I could crank land several in the time it takes to wear down one good sized fish. I ended up camping out across from Trout Hollow and wore the stockers out during the last few hours and ended up with 61 fish for 720 something inches. Spot lock was essential that day. That's the ONLY reason I'd ever fish like that though. The total weight tourneys are a lot more enjoyable for me personally. Next CAM I get a chance to do will probably have me bringing newbies and playing more of a guide role.
  18. CAM is a chill tournament. The three different levels of competition keep it fun for everybody. I was hoping to come down and fish it but I no have an eye exam appointment for Saturday. Only day for the next month and a half that they could get me in (somebody else cancelled) so I figured I better take it. I'm down to my last few pairs of contacts. It's my own fault for procrastinating.
  19. I know several guys that show up opening day with minnows for goggle eye and don't even bother with the trout. You can usually pull a limit out in a few areas for the first few weeks before they get thinned out. You will usually get a few trout on the minnows as well.
  20. This is why you make way more $$$ than me in the IT field. I'm the slacker always off chasing critters and fish instead of working. 😁
  21. Bring on the smallies and the walters!
  22. I couldn't own a boat without a good livewell. It sees fish almost every time I go out, especially this time of year when I'm chasing slabs.
  23. You should have. Flathead are the best tasting catfish there is.
  24. Local coops likely do it as well. Our local MFA does.
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