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Everything posted by ness

  1. Just couldn’t get the offense going! Pitching was ok. Oh well. Quite a turnaround from 2023. We’ve got most of these guys locked up for next year so I’m hopeful.
  2. Good old Great Wolf Lodge! Pretty popular spot for my boys and their friends to have birthday parties. We haven't been since they grew up When my daughter was young she took horseback riding lessons on that land that is now the Legends/NASCAR track, etc. The ONLY thing around there was the water tower. She's 33 now. It's changed a bit
  3. ness

    What's Cooking?

    I shared the story of this delicacy when this thread was in its infancy. I was able to locate the post and share a link to the epoch tale again here
  4. I got them each one of these. But now they don’t seem as focused for some reason.
  5. I suppose I could get one of these https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/09/19/louisiana-drone-missing-girl-found-video/75297197007/ Actually it’s mostly about the dogs for me.
  6. I’m glad you brought this up. Here are my thoughts on FFS:
  7. I know, right? Just a very friendly guy, and so kind of him to do that for me. I don't know if you read the letter, but that second to last sentence is pretty cool, IMO.
  8. Here's a side story some may find interesting. I bought John's book 'Fly Fishing Small Streams' and just loved the painting on the cover. So I called the publisher's office to inquire about it, thinking it was a probably a dead end. The lady said it was by Bob Abbett. She gave me his number and was sure that he wouldn't mind if I called. I called and within *minutes* of going down the path I was talking to Bob. I asked about the painting and he said hang on a minute - he'd look to see if he had one. A couple minutes later he was back on the phone said he had one there, so I arranged to purchase it. I asked him if he wouldn't mind writing a letter describing how the painting came about. A week or so later, I had the painting, and the letter! The painting hangs in my home office with the letter on the back. I think the letter is pretty cool. I really love this guy's work. He did a lot of bird hunting paintings, including several with Brittanys. We talked about things and when I told him I had a Brittany he asked if I'd want him to do a portrait. Well, I was pretty sure that was going to be out of my budget so I passed. He was such a good guy. He passed away a few years back.
  9. ness

    What's Cooking?

  10. But the overwhelming majority do not. Surround yourself with them, filter out the rest.
  11. Keep that up and you’ll end up with this At Kathy’s old house.
  12. You need to spend so much on them that you're totally obsessed with protecting them! And, get a lanyard. I had a pair of Smith prescription, bifocal, photochromic sunglasses that I loved. A dog chewed them up a bit and Smith replaced the frames for me. Probably had them for 15 years, and always on a lanyard. The prescription was stale but I still used them. My nephew talked me into riding a roller coaster at World's of Fun in KC a few years back. I tucked those glasses into my shirt, still on a lanyard, but somehow they flew off. And the punks that work there wouldn't go down under there to look for them. Something about that being dangerous. But, I showed them: I am boycotting The Mamba forever!
  13. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Cow fajitas🤪
  14. Welcome to the forum, Will. Yep, there's plenty to learn here and don't be bashful about asking questions or posting reports of your adventures (good results or otherwise!) Catfish and crappie reports would be welcome additions here. I'd be curious to hear where you're fishing around town. I took a look at Lenexa Lake Saturday, but it was too windy to consider. Good luck as you work on your degree. I'm a Baker then Rockhurst guy that grew up in Independence but has lived in Shawnee for 30+ years.
  15. Looks like there are a lot of options with varying magnification for flip downs.
  16. I’ve gotta figure out something for fishing. I’ve worn prescription bifocal sunglasses for quite a while but they’ve never been good for tying on flies, so I’ve had the flip down readers on the bill of my cap for probably 15 years. They’re not strong enough now.
  17. Sorry to hear this. I really love his books and have nearly all of them including some that are autographed. I’ll often grab one off the shelf and reread a chapter or two.
  18. ness

    What's Cooking?

    I’ve ordered meatloaf out before and it had that thick, gloopy red sauce. Don’t care for it.
  19. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Just for fun, pick a number between 1 and 1,380 and plug it in where the "Page 1380 of 1380" is at the bottom of this page. We've been at this a long time! Lots of good food, good pics, good descriptions, and good-natured ribbing.
  20. ness

    What's Cooking?

    As my tiny little baby brother called it: meef oaf. Ketchup, mustard and brown sugar glaze, just like Betty Crocker taught me. Mashed taters with twice the recommended dosage of butter, and some Pioneer brown gravy, ‘cause I got no time to make real gravy.
  21. Good fer you!
  22. They're out of their hitting/scoring slump, but not exactly lighting things up.
  23. We had a great BBQ joint not far from here called Papa Bob's. I loved that place and Bob was such a cool guy. He'd work the dining room and talk to everybody. He would try new recipes out by bringing samples around. Great BBQ and sides- I loved his vinegar slaw. Once he brought around a little cup of a new sauce he was trying out that he called Bobanero. I'd don't do well with hot so I was a little nervous, but he assured me it would be ok. It was really good with just a little heat. It was fruity and had some texture, like maybe there was some crushed pineapple in it. He had this huge sandwich called the Ultimate Destroyer that you got for free if you could finish it. It got featured on some Food Network show and his business took off. He had a world map on the wall with push pins from all the places people had come from, and it was impressive. Europe, South America, Asia. Once when we were there we sat next to a couple from England. They had flown into KC and drove straight to this place to eat. We talked to his wife a couple times and they were really burning out from running the place. They were doing all the heavy lifting. THey'd close for a couple weeks for vacation because they didn't have the backup. One day we went to eat and it was closed. Dang!! https://www.facebook.com/p/Papa-Bobs-BBQ-100064669190135/ Edit: It was on Man vs. Food
  24. Boy, those were a couple nail biters! So many men left on base last night. What was it -- three times left with the bases loaded? The pitching held up well, thank goodness. Glad these are on network. Using SIL's Bally logon wasn't working well for me. It kept wanting me to verify the account, and I didn't want to mess him up. The nerve!
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