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Everything posted by ness

  1. What I’ve heard is crane ranchers are reluctant to organize and promote their product because of their herds tendency to fly away. Supposedly there’s some new technology being developed that will curtail the escapes and bring SHC to your local grocery store soon, at a super premium price. PM me for details on a stock that is ready to skyrocket! But don’t tell anybody, because it’s kinda hush hush now.
  2. Concerning Sand Hill Cranes, I’ve always heard “Ribeye of the Sky”, but don’t know of any firsthand partakers. Anyone eaten some that they can comment on?
  3. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Pasta fagioli AKA pasta fazool AKA pasta and bean soup.
  4. ness

    What's Cooking?

    My sister encouraged us to give Hello Fresh a try. They ship you the ingredients for a meal that you prep yourself. We gave it a try the other day and our first meal was excellent. Spicy maple chicken with mashed sweet potatoes and beans. What I liked about it (besides the taste) was it gave us a couple new ideas. For example, the chicken was coated on top with a little sour cream then a crust of panko, seasonings and oil. There was a maple and red pepper flakes drizzle for the chicken. Sweet taters with a little sour cream and maple syrup. And the beans were roasted along with the chicken. I did some sleuthing and have their seasonings fingered out, so I constructed a recipe for us. We'll probably do this on our own next time. Last night was pork tacos with a mango salsa. Fairly good, but we got a couple new ideas for the future. Onion and Anaheim chile sautéed, then ground pork, seasonings and juice from canned mango. Not sure if we’ll keep going after our 3 meal trial or not. We've got some meatball dish yet to come. Stay tuned.
  5. I always wanted to do that.
  6. I was thinking KawFest -- right over here on the Kansas River. Rough fish, of course.
  7. I've already been to Branson once this year! Seriously, I've never fished Taney and wouldn't know what the heck I'm doing. Nobody'd want me in their boat! The food and fellowship is awfully tempting though. I hope you guys have fun.
  8. Better DoorDash 🤪
  9. You guys need to hold Taneyfest closer to KC
  10. @gotmuddy Talk to us about this gumbo please. Okra, roux, file, shrimp, andouille, poultry? Green pepper or (the ness preferred, which you chastised me for in the earlier jambalaya discussion ) poblano?
  11. I know the fruit stand. We do Marco Polo's for lunch fairly often. My office is just down the road at Homes and 435. We've also done 2 or 3 of Jasper's cooking classes. Good stuff, too much to eat really, and he's a funny and engaging guy. I'll also pick up some 'groceries' on the way home occasionally at Gomer's right there
  12. I'm right there at least a couple times a year. Not to fish, but to eat at Jasper's
  13. Another great read is Many Rivers to Cross by M. R. Montgomery. The author travels the west in search of native populations of trout and dives into the causes of the demise or extirpation of them. Excellent book! Just found it on Amazon again which still shows my book review from 1998🤪
  14. I always liked Take on Me and the cool video with a blend of live action and pencil sketches. The missus knows when that comes on the radio I’m gonna take a crack at hitting the high notes😀 That and Take it to the Limit. It Don’t Come Easy.
  15. We bottomed out at 2 this morning. It's about 16 now and pretty windy. About half the snow is gone on the grass but the piles we made when we shoveled are still pretty tall. I'd guess 12 inches in the biggest part of the piles.
  16. Yeah, and they've made it clear they're going to err on the side of protecting the QB too.
  17. Slightly warm here. I want a little fat but I don’t want cold fat. The ketchup, mustard, brown sugar glaze in our recipe is first choice to sauce. BBQ sauce next, then plain old ketchup. On toast, light. Some say I’m a picky eater😀 I just dial things in the way I like it. Or the way my missus likes it. I love it when it’s the same.
  18. ness

    What's Cooking?

    I would’ve liked that arrangement to get to try a bunch of different stuff.
  19. It's not speed or agility. He just kinda glides around out there and almost lulls the defenders to sleep. Catches the ball and lumbers down the field. I thought his touchdown ball-drop non-celebration was pretty fun.
  20. And the Oscar goes to.... Patrick Mahomes! That fake hit out of bounds was pretty convincing!
  21. Kelce, Hunt, Karlaftis, Mahomes, Spagnolo.
  22. ness

    What's Cooking?

    I don’t care for liver either, though I have had it breaded and fried a couple times and it was passable. We used to do a “turkey shoot” at an old Catholic Church in the country. They put out a big spread of chicken livers and gizzards. Loved those gizzards!
  23. That sounds familiar, but I think there was a newer version at the old B&G Roller Rink. But, I may not remember for sure because I was probably high on one of those 3 foot long pixie sticks 🤪
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