My sister encouraged us to give Hello Fresh a try. They ship you the ingredients for a meal that you prep yourself. We gave it a try the other day and our first meal was excellent. Spicy maple chicken with mashed sweet potatoes and beans.
What I liked about it (besides the taste) was it gave us a couple new ideas. For example, the chicken was coated on top with a little sour cream then a crust of panko, seasonings and oil. There was a maple and red pepper flakes drizzle for the chicken. Sweet taters with a little sour cream and maple syrup. And the beans were roasted along with the chicken.
I did some sleuthing and have their seasonings fingered out, so I constructed a recipe for us. We'll probably do this on our own next time.
Last night was pork tacos with a mango salsa. Fairly good, but we got a couple new ideas for the future. Onion and Anaheim chile sautéed, then ground pork, seasonings and juice from canned mango.
Not sure if we’ll keep going after our 3 meal trial or not. We've got some meatball dish yet to come. Stay tuned.