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Everything posted by BilletHead

  1. By the way Seth congratulations on the win.
  2. You only hear about the survivors not the ones passing. Just like you hear bad news, and it spreads like wildfire while the good news goes silent. If everything was good news no one would have anything to complain about . BTW I seen you in this old film also. Might have been an ancestor but he really looked like you. A little stick for a bobber and a wad of worms below it. Yes, a cigarette hanging out of your mouth. Must have worked out for you because last fall when I saw you, I did not think you looked too bad for that age 😁
  3. Ok another thing to consider is. I do realize this sport is a hobby but how many of us I mean you that fish tourneys have caught double digit bass and are trying to win expenses? I like to catch bass and do chase them with the fly rod. I have made eight pounds here in Missouri. Just catching fish and eating a few including pond bass. Just myself and if I wanted to make a double-digit bass it would be cheaper to make that trip than count all the bucks, I have spent fishing. AND I am cheap in that sport compared to anyone that has a boat that is over 12 grand. This is not a dig at anyone it is just food for thought. If you can do it, just do it. Most of you on here would not drive halfway across this country to catch a native trout in its natural range but we will. Still have less in those trips compared to the new fishermen and women.
  4. I believe that back when you started but with today's fishing pressure could you repeat that? Could that guide guarantee that double digit bass? Not me but I am not going to do that.
  5. Weekend Warriors Are Spending Thousands to Catch Big Bass
  6. One old boy walking off the dam bottom with chest waders. A fellow with his limit of beers in a net. Lots of automatic fly reels. I may have a few vintage ones of those. Fun to fish with but will wear you out because of the weight. Also seen Bing Crosby with his pipe and upturned fedora. Speaking of that many of those fedoras like Grandpa Horn wore. I may need to start wearing mine to the river like Grandpa. Grandpa Horn lake of the woods Canada. Not sure when.
  7. Good question, Get ready you are opening a can of worms not only from the good members on the forum but links to studies more current than those from years ago when this was implemented. I have converted to rubber soles this meaning the newer ones that are much better than the previous versions. I would still feel safer in felt especially in the western states where granite boulders are polished round from hundreds of thousands of years of sand rolling over them. Good luck on your answer. Where needed I now use a walking staff. this way I have a two-point contact with the bottom. Not a cure all for sure.
  8. Great day Ham! Would have rather been with you yesterday than what I had to go through. I was with you in mind though, gave me something to think about. Good fishy pictures buddy 😀.
  9. Great report! Thanks for sharing, sir.
  10. Feels downright balmy here at 20. Pat's birds have been through 50 pounds of black oil sunflower seed during this dip in the deep freeze.
  11. Ours too Ham. Went into the post yesterday. We are looking forward to everyone's contribution.
  12. that is no heavier than your articulated streamers that have bigger hooks. It isn't as heavy as a tungsten bead with a few lead wraps.
  13. One more of these for awhile. I'm getting tired of looking at them. As per @Flysmallie whining about the heavyweight version being just what it is heavy I give you the lightweight with plastic eyes. It sinks slowly with the hook end pulling it down. On to something else. Thanks for the input Ronnie and @tjm. I think if a person did one on a lightweight hook like a smaller Dai Rikki 270 or a Tiemco 200R using boobies eyes (not the big obtrusive double d size) they would suspend perfect on a two to three foot leader on a sink tip line. This could be a fun deal.
  14. Hang in their buddy it's fixing to change to the better.
  15. Heat wave -2 forecast is looking good!
  16. Yes, they would work fine here doing just that. The guy in the video is doing that. We have a friend who is a forum member on here. He was on the USA flyfishing team and fished completive all over. If I could remember his username on here I would drag him out and tell us how he fished those flies. Where are you at Randy Haner?
  17. AND pay attention @Flysmallie if you want to fish booby flys you have to do it this way and talk this way,
  18. Alright Mr smarty-pants, Just for you Ronald. Craft foam instead of lead. Its that thin stuff. Sections super glued on both sides of the hook shank behind the bead chain eyes. If it is still too heavy use those plastic ones. After glue was set started wrapping easy and working a taper. As you know it's easy to crush this foam. After a basic body is made I spread a light layer of UV glue then zapped it. Hardened up perfect. Finished wrapping a thread layer and made the bug eyed critter just like the leaded one. Now we have an unleaded big eyed bug also. Still rides hook up. So which one is leaded and which one is unleaded Ronnie? 😆 On bench and in the water.
  19. One thing about it spring will come one way or another. My phone just about every day brings up memories from this day. So, on this day in 2017 on a farm pond this happened. Thought I would share on this cold day there are better days ahead. Just so you know that is my fist in the mouth of that bass.
  20. Pat said you looked mighty cold Wednesday morning on one cast.
  21. I was really surprised getting out today since the storm. Four to five inches at home. Dirt road was fantastic. One we drive to blacktop was so wind blown it was mostly dirt. Secondary blacktop in shelterd places just a little packed snow. 54 highway clean. Most of Eldorado springs roads clear. Kudos to Modot. Wind helped them this time!
  22. Thanks Ronnie, When I get the lighter version done if its a success will run it by you.
  23. Bummer Dutch!
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