From all over. These older specimens I am talking about were taken many, many years ago before they vanished from a particular watershed. The species of cutthroat we like to chase are native and became different species that are separated by geographic regions and evolved in those areas adapting to the environment. For you to say as a layman there is mix matching of species and no record of what was there before is crazy. There are records all over. I have been to hatcheries in Wyoming that raise genetically pure strains of cutthroat. Asked questions of why, where etc. These guys are passionate to restore to how it was meant to be. Why not keep them from going extinct? Other flora and fauna are gone because of man's blunders.
Yes, we have trout here and they are filling a niche and are fun. I catch them and you catch them. BUT there is nothing like visiting the environments where the natives range. We have done them all except the Paiute in California. At our age and only 11 miles of stream they live in that will be a scratch. then there are some still being tested that are a bit genetically different yet that we may need to visit. Call us crazy but it's a neat quest and will do while we are able.