Do you have a garmin or some sort of GPS unit in any of your vehicles? You could plug that into a 12V plug in your boat and just use it for measuring speed. I'd recommend switching to two hook harnesses. Unless they are some kind of slow death type harness, they are intended for leeches or minnows. Kind of the rule of thumb for bottom bouncers is one ounce per ten feet of depth. I usually use 1 1/2 or 2 oz bouncers as I rarely fish deeper then 25'. The spincast reel isn't the greatest set up for bouncing, I guess i'd recommend pinching the line between your thumb and index finger to let line out slowly until you start ticking the bottom. Set the reel and drop your rod tip after a few seconds to see if you can feel the bottom. If not, let out a little more until you do. Stockton Lake has a good walleye population, but it can be a very humbling lake too. Keep after it, it feels pretty good when you start figuring it out. Don't get caught up in comparing your days on Stockton to lmt out's. He's an anomaly, some kind of walleye whisperer or something. I think he's part Sasquatch and was kicked out of the tribe due to his lack of hair.