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Everything posted by Walleyedmike

  1. I have a 2006 ETEC 225 HO. It's been a great outboard. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another ETEC. WM
  2. Walleyedmike

    What's Cooking?

    My condolences to you and Nancy, RPS. Prayers for healing and strength sent your way. WM
  3. Nice green fish! WM
  4. Walleyedmike

    What's Cooking?

    Up in my neck of the woods, we call that a Runza. The Runza fast food restaurant chain makes them pretty good, my wife makes them better! Might have to do that this weekend ness, thanks for the idea! WM
  5. Yea, so my last three days at work were...well, not really that awesome. Great reports! Thanks! WM
  6. The first of many, I'm sure. What did you catch him on? WM
  7. Good to see ya back on here PD! Hope all is well! WM
  8. Indeed straw hat, so much to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to all. Looks like good weather for black Friday too, wish I could make it to the lake! WM
  9. Sounds like a blast! WM
  10. Your name was brought up in the boat today, Dan. More on that later... I actually did better last Saturday, had 10 with seven keepers. Bounced and trolled crank baits. Had two walleye today, both keepers, trolled cranks on lead core. Didn't want to mess with feeding crawlers on slow death hooks in the wind. Second one was right before we were gonna head in on your top secret honey hole point, Dan. When I released it I told my wife "That's Dan Hufferd's fish". I took a picture of him for you. Also had four barely keeper crappie. All fish released. Hope that ankle heals soon! WM
  11. Grab some slow death hooks while your there. I tie some slow death rigs with just a bead and slow death hook or a Mack's Smile Blade, bead, and slow death hook. Sometimes the fish want a spinner harness, and sometimes they prefer the slow death rigs (especially in the spring of the year). Also...Purple Tiger and Chartreuse Pearl Flicker Shads are my favorite Stockton colors. Be careful, chasing walleye can be addictive! WM
  12. Good job lmt out. Hopefully I'll be down soon! WM
  13. Walleyedmike

    What's Cooking?

    So with tomato season picking up, I noticed my supply of home made bacon was dwindling. I bought a couple of pork bellies at Sam's a couple of weeks ago. I also thawed a couple of pork butts and removed the bone to make some buck board bacon. (Sorry JoeD, I don't know what else to call the buck board bacon!) Cured it all and decided to smoke a couple of the halves of butt to pulling temp to make pulled ham. Smoked it Saturday all day and pulled the ham apart Sunday morning and made pulled ham omelets, followed by a pulled ham sammie for lunch. Turned out better than I could have ever imagined! I'll be slicing and packaging bacon tomorrow night. WM
  14. Good stuff there, Rangerman! Good to hear from you! WM
  15. Great job. Thanks for the report! WM
  16. Do you have a garmin or some sort of GPS unit in any of your vehicles? You could plug that into a 12V plug in your boat and just use it for measuring speed. I'd recommend switching to two hook harnesses. Unless they are some kind of slow death type harness, they are intended for leeches or minnows. Kind of the rule of thumb for bottom bouncers is one ounce per ten feet of depth. I usually use 1 1/2 or 2 oz bouncers as I rarely fish deeper then 25'. The spincast reel isn't the greatest set up for bouncing, I guess i'd recommend pinching the line between your thumb and index finger to let line out slowly until you start ticking the bottom. Set the reel and drop your rod tip after a few seconds to see if you can feel the bottom. If not, let out a little more until you do. Stockton Lake has a good walleye population, but it can be a very humbling lake too. Keep after it, it feels pretty good when you start figuring it out. Don't get caught up in comparing your days on Stockton to lmt out's. He's an anomaly, some kind of walleye whisperer or something. I think he's part Sasquatch and was kicked out of the tribe due to his lack of hair. WM
  17. Twenty fish sounds like a good stopping point to me. Great job lmt out! WM
  18. Does that count include drum, catfish, and blue gill lmt out? LOL! Great report, your on 'em! WM
  19. Thursday the 6th. Spent most of the day bottom bouncing and caught drum and blue gill. Switched to trolling Flicker Shads and picked up a short walleye immediately. Ended up with five shorts and one keeper and two big crappie in two hours before we gave in to the heat. Friday the 7th. Trolled cranks, got a late start hit the water at 11:00, fished until 3:30. Eight walleye with three keepers and three big whites. Didn't keep any on this day. Saturday the 8th. Ten walleye trolling cranks with three keepers. Also caught a mixed bag of bass, catfish and drum each day. All of the walleye were really shallow, 10-15'. Pea gravel banks with gentle slopes produced most of the fish, Also the smaller #5 Flicker Shads really shined. WM
  20. Great report and even better pics Dan. I'm thinking your grandson will be one of the better walleye fishermen on Stockton Lake in the very near future! WM
  21. Send me a PM with a contact number J.M. I have a few crank baits that have never seen the water and others that I have salvaged while kayaking. I'd be glad to give a dozen or so to your great grand son to help get him back in business. WM
  22. Great report lmt out! WM
  23. I'm very sorry Gary, I've been so selfish. I should have been fishing with you every time you have gone out. WM
  24. Where the heck have you been ranger man? Welcome back. Great report! WM
  25. Way to go lundone. Thanks for the report! WM
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