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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by semble

  1. Bandits do really well in current, don't as blow out easy. They have a little tighter wobble, too. IIRC 1.5 runs 3-5ft.
  2. Looks like a fun afternoon! Nice to have the river to yourself with a great view from your afternoon office.
  3. I bought my wife one of these. https://go-girl.com/ #2 we just share the shovel. Makes a good tp holder, too.
  4. semble

    I Was Good

    At the time my wife was working for SSM at DePaul and from what I remeber there was a string of them through that area over a few years. Some of the damage was pretty impressive.
  5. Is this a just Schnucks thing or are other grocers in the area doing the same?
  6. semble

    I Was Good

    My wife had a couple co-workers in your area that had houses in their neighborhood leveled from that storm.
  7. Was in a local st. louis supermarket chain on Sunday. Was posted 2 packages of beef per customer. No limits on anything else. Picked up a couple strip steaks just cause they looked good. I was bummed they were sold out of whole chickens.
  8. semble

    I Was Good

    Lambert? I remeber pictures of a shuttle bus hanging off the parking garage from that one. My office was out at Spirit, I watched the one that hit Francis Howell years back from my parking lot. Had an employee take cover in the gas station at kisker and 94, that may have been the one that just missed you.
  9. @Terrierman, agree with Mitch. Seems like a pretty good analogy.
  10. Murphy and I are good friends. Got his own seat in the boat and duck blind.
  11. semble

    coral root

    I got lucky, noticed the shoots coming up while mowing a couple weeks ago and kept an eye on them for the bloom. Its been a few years since I've seen one in bloom.
  12. Everything worked as it should. Placed the order, got email confirmation and then a ready for pickup email 10 minutes later. I went inside and told the guy I had an online order delivered to store. Asked my name, looked it up on the computer, stepped into the back for a moment and came back with my battery and invoice. Scanned the invoice and refunded the core to my card. Last week my wife sent me to Walgreens for miralax. I came back with what was on sale. Turns out the online price is over half the price of what I purchased in store. She called Walgreens and was told that in store prices and online prices are different. So, had to return the ones I bought at the store and pickup the online order shipped to the store. Kid behind the counter handled the return just fine but was confused over the online order. Looked and looked and couldn't find it. Finally got the manager and she took me over to photo where there was a pallet sized stack of orders shipped to store. Asked the name on the order, verified my name and handed me the package in under 30 seconds.
  13. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Wasn't able to view the recipe but the description sounds exactly like what she made. No eggs, milk or butter. Oil for fat and baking soda and vinegar for leavening. We both thought it would be good with just powdered sugar.
  14. semble

    coral root

    Found some coral root in the yard.
  15. Had to hit the grocery store over the weekend. People's attitudes seemed more lax about maintaining a "safe" distance. Seemed like there was less fear about being out in public or around other people. Store wasn't nearly as busy as I expected, either.
  16. Debated fishing the river this morning before the rains.
  17. semble

    What's Cooking?

    Definately no mayo! I think its another food group, she won't touch it with a 10' foot pole. Not sure what constitutes a "depression" cake. I would guess it has something to do with access to ingredients during the depression era. The frosting was more of a glaze. I'll just call it delicious.
  18. semble

    What's Cooking?

    I give my wife a lot of trouble over her powdered potatoes but she can out bake me any day of the week. Made what she called a depression cake.
  19. Voltmeter read 12.67 when I got it home. Nothing wrong there. I found Duracell's take on mfg codes funny. Most battery manufacturers are pretty open about them.
  20. Mine has a sticker on the top, 3/20. I assume this is a charge sticker from the distrobution center. On the bottom of the battery there appears to be a date code of 5/19. Which, I assume to be the mfg date. Per duracell FAQ, https://www.duracell-automotive.com/en/Infocenter/FAQ "...the codes stamped on Duracell batteries do not allow any self-explanatory conclusions to be drawn about the age...date of manufacture (DOT=Department Of Transportation USA), is not required for starter batteries!" ??? I know what they say about making assumptions but I'm pretty sure somebody's trigger at duracell is mfg date codes.
  21. In the market for new batteries, too. What did you go with? Good luck on the ponds.
  22. Recently picked this up. https://www.batteriesplus.com/productdetails/battery/marine-and-boat/starting/bci-group-24m/sli24mhp 10% discount when order online and pick up in store. $10 mail in rebate, too.
  23. what's the ratio?
  24. semble

    What's Cooking?

    No other way. Melt in your mouth tender.
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