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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I really haven't found out anything about this setup. I have no use for it and will gladly give it to anyone who wants it and will come get it.
  2. Neither was this one. I did not get a hook into either. I was fishing for specs that day.
  3. This one wasn't quite on the bottom down on Flat Creek one day.
  4. I have one with a black connector that I'd give you.
  5. I let one of my guys be a helper on one a few years ago. It was in the summer time. He said they did what wrench said along with slitting the belly of any fish that looked weak so they would not get a bad rap for floating fish.
  6. What color connector does it have? I have one that I'd give you if it will work for you. It has a black connector.
  7. We had about the same results in the Big Sac yesterday. They had disappeared. We got 1 right on the bottom in 19 fow. We also caught 6 short blacks.
  8. Dutch


    That's a great smallie for sure. I've caught some 4s but never even seen a 5# except one at Table Rock that a guy showed me one time. I'll bet it took a while to get that thing to the net.
  9. I have used everything from some very thin braided wire to 1 strand of fiber weed guard to coated stranded cable depending on the weight of the jig and how it is going to be used. The thing that I use most is Sevelon or Surflon that I get through Bass Pro or Cabela's. It comes in lots of sizes. I prefer 90# coated like is in this pic of a tube with weed guard.
  10. OK guys I appreciate the information. It looks like I'll be launching at Mutton and heading upstream, just gotta try that Arig one more time.
  11. My wife has a friend who was recently widowed. She found this in her basement and since I fish she sent it home with my wife. I don't know anything about it. Is it something that could be collected or just another piece of junk that needs to go to the land fill?
  12. Thanks for the info. Have you seen the river or Son's?
  13. I haven't been in that arm since the latest rains. Is there a mud line? What is the color up toward CC? What is the color of Son's Creek? What is the color of Mutton Creek? I plan to launch at Mutton Creek or Hartley Branch depending on report. Appreciate any info so maybe I can save a long cold boat ride Thursday morning.
  14. You can take a 2x4 and a hammer tapping from the sides will get it loose. However if you "tap" too hard you will kill the crystals in it.
  15. Bass Boat Central and Bass Resource have units for sale all of the time. I have sold several units on them.
  16. Bruce Samson also known as Dr Sonar can tell even without the most modern technology. He has looked at several of my screen shots and picked up fish that I had overlooked. He does some incredible sonar education for Lowrance. He is a medical Dr. who at the age of 50 decided to become a professional walleye fisherman. He has done quite well. That being said Lowrance has just released a new update to Hds Gen 3 and Carbon units called fish reveal. I have done the upgrade on my units but haven't spent the time to get comfortable with all of the features. It is used on down scan and adds 14 fish reveal color pallets to go along with the standard 9 down scan pallets. I have gotten some good looking stuff on my console unit but my bow unit has the 2d ducer out and I haven't been able to duplicate the console unit.
  17. I started out in the early morning looking for an A rig bite. Put in at State Park and fished close by. Good keeper in just a few casts. 2 hours later no more bites. I ran up the river above High Pt. Fished a lot of good looking stuff with Arig, rock crawler, jig, and spinner bait. Not one bite so I moved back down to clear water and started fishing a new craw that I made. I had one on in about 15 fow but it came unbuttoned. I went back to the Arig for another hour then pulled out the little guy. I had a nice keeper on the first cast and though "game on". Not so, I never had another bite. I left frustrated in mid afternoon to go mow the yard. I did not talk to anyone but had to wait in line to load as half the parking lot had decided to go home also. Let's see pre spawn cold front blue bird sky not many bites, I wonder if there is a pattern there?
  18. I just found out that I can open my Lowrance blue tooth and pair them with my power poles so I can control them from the screen instead of buttons on the floor. The bow unit works just fine but the console unit, though showing pairing and the menu, doesn't seem to recognize them at all. Any Lowrance gurus out there with answers?
  19. Dutch

    Wind Chart

    I just use wind finder on my puter or weather underground on my phone. But that is pretty cool looking.
  20. I had this built for vertical fishing several years ago. I traded units and it no longer served my purpose. It has the black connector from several upgrades back. If any of you have a unit that it will fit, I'll trade it to you for a plastic worm or a jig if you will pick it up or pay the shipping.
  21. The fold down was only about 1.5 inches. That made it very sturdy.
  22. I went with the Mustang. I have worn it twice and like MOPan said, I didn't even know that I had it on. I hope it is that comfortable in warm weather.
  23. I did it in a Lowe a few years back. I got 1/8" aluminum from Rose metal in Springfield. I made a cardboard template and had a metal shop fold down all 4 edges I then attached them to the front deck and the console. I did not have to attach to the sides. The folded down aluminum was strong enough so that I did not have to have any underneath bracing. I left the end open and had a lot of under deck storage.
  24. Falcons are the only rods in that list that I have. I like my Falcons as well as my Gloomis rods. I throw an A rig quite a bit in the late winter and early spring. I have tried it on several different rods and don't like any of the MH that I have tried. All that I have found is 7' H and I have a Falcon and a B and R Outlaw that I use for A rigs with 50# braid.
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