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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. You have to save them to an SD card then load them into a file on your computer. Then you have to join a photo hosting site and put the shots on the site. From there you can load them into a post in a forum like this one. I learned how to do it several years ago by reading things like this: http://forums.basspro.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=002724
  2. Normally, when I get stuff to show up that large it is likely a school of spots or whites. Mature gizzards might show up that large but these fish were quite a ways down and I think crappie would show up much smaller. At least the ones I have been seeing on Stockton show up smaller that those fish do. This is a shot of some white bass that weighed 2-3#. They are 15' shallower than the other pic.
  3. My day was similar to yours except my fish were deeper. I couldn't get a bite in your depths.
  4. I use the Reel Mechanic in KS. He is very reasonable and Shimano factory trained.
  5. That unit is no longer supported by them and there is no one that I know of who can work on sonar units any longer. The sky is the limit on what to get. You can spend from a few hundred to several thousand on units. If you want to talk to a knowledgeable person in your area, see a guy at BPS in Branson. I'm pretty sure his name is Troy if not then Trevor. He knows his depth finder units very well.
  6. I wear under armour tops and bottoms with a second under armour pullover then hooded sweatshirt and BPS polar fleece lined jeans. Add a coat and bibs if it is below freezing. I have several levels of thinsulate boots to match the temps. On the very worst days I put on Browning coat and bibs but not often.
  7. I've never seen a lake master. Who carries them? I run the fishing hot spots and the navionics map cards. Each one of them has its strengths and weankesses.
  8. Why so deep. I fished Friday and found them less than 20' deep on worms and tubes.
  9. Good goin'. I have been wanting to get down that way but just haven't taken the time yet. However, the winter is still young.
  10. Dutch


  11. This is supposed to be it. Map Datum WGS 84 (DM) 36° 25.722' N 93° 51.443' W (DMS) 36° 25' 43.344'' N 93° 51' 26.573'' W It keeps putting ° in for the degree symbol. I can't figure that out.
  12. Take 6 setups. Rig 3 with a jig and 3 with a tube. Cast a jig 5 times. Change to a tube. Cast it 5 times. Go through the colors and sizes of each of those baits and you will see that jigs and tubes work basically the same during all seasons and water conditions. I do this a lot but like 10 setups better than 6.
  13. I use both. I always have both tied on. My feeling is the tube will catch more fish but the jig will catch bigger fish most of the time. I've caught fish from here to south Texas.
  14. Nope I haven't. There were more blacks than whites but had several nice whites along with some eyes today. It looks like they are moving to their winter haunts. I never found any shallower fish though and the water temp had dropped some since the last time I was down that way.
  15. How about some screen shots?
  16. Money sent via paypal
  17. I'd like to buy it. Tell me how to make it happen.
  18. Glad you are keepin' after them pard. One of these days it'll be too cold to go for a while.
  19. 12G pump with 2 bean bags backed by 3 slugs or buckshot.
  20. Well straw hat, I got back out and I think that little front closed them up some. I managed a limit but it took most of the day and they were not to be found in my old spots. This weather coming is going to make it a manly thing to go fishing for the next several days.
  21. I have found that leaders become important when the water is very clear and cold. Otherwise I don't use them.
  22. You sure are a fish catchin' dude. If you are bank fishing how do you know the depth of the fish?
  23. I'm not familiar with J Hwy in that area unless it is toward Caplinger. I'm also guessing you weren't crappie fishing.
  24. Yep they moved deeper but they bit pretty good for us.
  25. Golly just when I was trying to figure out how to set up those 20 new A Rigs that I have.
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