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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I found the same thing in James. The farther up the colder the water. Today's wind gave me fits in some places. I did not manage a limit but had fun and the Kentuckies were all over the place.
  2. My opinion is that you can not have too much thrust in a trolling motor but you can have too little. Go as big as you can afford to go.
  3. What I'm wantin' is to see that 1/4 oz chicken jeg head.
  4. If you are anywhere around Spfld. check out the outlet. They sometimes have incredible buys on bags.
  5. I'd say it is the short rod that is causing your problem.
  6. I fish float n fly with leaders from 3-14 feet long. I don't ever remember having the problem that you have described. What type and brand of reel are you using and how long is your rod? Are you casting side arm or overhand?
  7. Take it to Scott and Brad at Marine Repair Center on Prince Lane in Springfield. 1-417-833-9191
  8. The reason to use salt is to make the bait heavy so it will sink. I have seen times when I thought scent helped but most of the time I don't use it.
  9. That is called the Cedar Ridge Campers' ramp. Normally it is for campers only but it was opened up to the public when the other one had to be closed this summer.
  10. No sir. I haven't been there in nearly a year. I'm spending my time catching crappie at Stockton. I may start going down that way if the water gets hard up north or when the scouts start to show up around K and Snapp, but that will prolly be a month or two.
  11. I am part of the Shimano possee. I had other brands and after I bought Shimano I sold or gave away all of them. I now have at least 20 Shimano reels. I don't ever plan to buy a different brand.
  12. The only place I have found with non E fuel is Stockton State Park Marina but they tend to be closed all winter. Where can a man find non E fuel in SWMO?
  13. Pick him up at the dock store. He will have a bit of a walk but dry feet.
  14. The last time I was in there I watched a guy unloading his boat. He did it but it took him a long time and seemed to be 'bout as much work as cutting wood.
  15. No Bill these weren't floaters. They were seen on the bottom by scuba divers.
  16. We noticed the lack of them in 2003 in the spring. Our numbers had decreased by at least 90%. 2004 was worse and I quit going down there. Divers reported seeing the bottom completely covered with dead ones in 2003. The MDC did not recognize any problem until much later when they had some meetings at Forsyth to discuss the situation. I had called the biologist and told him but his samples were around Theodosia and he was still seeing numbers there.
  17. I have watched them come and go on most of the lakes in this area. Bull Shoals was the most consistent lake for production until 2003 when they died out that winter. They do seem to be making a come back to some extent. Stockton was really good until 3 years ago and got slow. This is the second time I have seen it there. Pomme de Terre had a big die off 2 years ago. Talking to the COE and MDC creel guy I was only able to get a total report of 8 during the 2010 season and this year the creel guy said he only has seen 1. No one seems to know what causes the die offs but something seems to hit them every few years and nearly wipe them out.
  18. A bit of advice here on the coloring. When you get an idea or get a color you want to duplicate be as exact on your measurements as you were on your mold making, especially if you are seeking some kind of translucent color. I like to choose the amount of plastisol, get it ready to pour then add the color by 1 drop intervals. Some type of metal (spoon, etc) is good to put the colorant on away from the plastisol, then stir it in. You can get way too much too quickly if you try to add the colorant directly to the plastisol from the bottle. When adding glitter, use measuring spoons and add small amounts then stir. If you use salt to make the bait heavier and sink faster, it will take a lot more colorant and you have to keep stirring constantly to keep it mixed. Keep a notebook and pencil close by and write down the exact amounts of everything that you have in the formula so that you can reference it later. Don't think for a moment that you will be able to remember them. Keep samples of the different colors in snack bags with the formula labeled on them. These tips will save you time and headaches in the long haul.
  19. If you can catch Lowrance in the right mood, you might get a trade in because your unit has the keyboard going out and can not be fixed. You might get more of a trade in than you would cash. It is worth a phone call to find out.
  20. Thanks for the report. How do you tell male eagles from females?
  21. When you refer to deep water what is the range you call deep? I was talking to some Texas guys who say deep is anything over 5 fow.
  22. If you decide to go with Low you have plug and play. Your X125 power cord and transducer will hook right up so you can install in a matter of minutes. It takes a while longer to install the lss1 and its transducer but that is not rocket science as it goes in a safe place like under the dash or in a rod locker and the transducer fits on a holeshot plate or jack plate. If you go this way send me a pm and I can put you on a bunch of installation pics.
  23. Down by the marina it is pretty clear. It is dingy up in the flat. I haven't been above Pt 15 in the James.
  24. L I B learn sumpin' ever day. Thanks a bunch.
  25. We used to do rabbit hunting on the Talbot area w/o dogs. It was full of them.
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