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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I am not sure that a nonresident can have a MO registration because of the title work connected with it. You can call a MO license bureau and find out for sure.
  2. Picked up and paid for today. Yellowfin me thinks you need to watch the mail or the UPS guy.
  3. I take care of my stuff. These don't have boat rash.
  4. I have way more stuff than I can use so I am selling some reels and then some rods later. I have 2 stock Shimano Citica 200D reels that I'll sell for $60 each. I have 2 Shimano Curado BSF that have been supertuned and fitted with different drag washers and Boca lightning ceramic bearings. I wan't $100 each for them or I'll take out the Bocas and sell them for $80 each.
  5. If you want the same effect as tops and a single hook try a buzzbait. You won't catch as many fish but it is fun.
  6. My most favorite is the buck tail jig like the old Beaver Creek Special that you used to be able to get at the marina when Everett and Sue owned it. I still have a few dozen around and use them much of the time. They were so good to me that I hoarded several dozen in many color combos and sizes just in case.
  7. I'm down to zuch., yellow squash, toms, peppers, egg plants, cants, watermelons. I'm aboaut ready for fall when I can take it all out and go fishing for a few weeks.
  8. That's definitely a keeper.
  9. My advice is to call Kelly Power at Championship Marine in Spokane Mo and ask him or Tom.
  10. I don't do much besides compost and a bit of fertilizer. So far we have put up 40 qts of tomato juice, frozen okra, 200 ears of corn, eaten all the asparagus, onions, cukes, squash, canteloupes, water melons, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, beets, kohlrabi, spinach, etc and are awaiting the sweet potatoes to get ready. I have maybe $50 total invested and have given my neighbors at least a couple of hundred dollars worth of produce. This is my other hobby and my summer savings for all the gas I will use this winter.
  11. $119 Shimano Citica brand new. I have a couple of them and they work as good as the old green Curados did.
  12. You guys live too far away. I live close enough that I am in there every few days and over the years I have overstocked to the point that the last several times in the store I haven't been able to find anything to spend money on at all.
  13. Charlie Brewer's slider bass grubs are the best stream smb baits I have ever used. They don't make a bad color.
  14. 86° and pretty clear last week
  15. Well that just goe to show you that TX still isn't in the USA. I showed my pass and still had to pay at a Corps park down there. I had to pay every day that I launched on that lake.
  16. Learn the Alberto's knot and be done.
  17. Yes once in a while on a jig but not like on Pom. Sometimes they are all over the place down there.
  18. Acetone might work or maptha.
  19. Big Buck, Little Buck, Big Creek, Trimble, and Becky are all close and there is some real good fishing in them. If you don't have a map, pick one up.
  20. Or you could go out at night and cut down trees and drag them to where you want and sink them like lots of guys do. I have heard that sycamore sinks.
  21. Guys go to Easy gps or GPS Babel. They are free downloads and can convert waypoints for you. If for some reason they won't do the UTMs let me know and I may be able to get you an excell file that will do it. I have used all three at different times and found for me that Easy gps is (easiest).
  22. Technically it is government property and you are not supposed to take anything from it or add anything to it without permission but that doesn't seem to stop anyone. There are brush piles on about every point and bank on the lake. There is one guy on BS who has reportedly put out close to 1000 brush piles over the years.
  23. Depending on your operating conditions, you might benefit from a Stay in Charge system. They are great for guys who make several runs during the day and can recharge your batteries on the way to and from the lake as well as on the water. http://www.stayncharge.com/
  24. When he gets back Stacey should be able to help you. After all isn't that all he eats.
  25. Dutch


    You need to give it some time after the sun goes down. They may move out or others may move in.
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