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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I'd go with something in the brown or green tones. For a stream that small either use a jig head insert or Texas rig the tube. You should be able to use 1/8 oz and lighter weights. A 3/0 to 4/0 hook should work fine on either. Bass Pro has some real nice tubes in the smaller tender sizes. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  2. What type of molds, how many cavities, what sizes do they pour? Which lead pot? What type of oven? Homemade fluid bed or store bought? Soft lead or lead alloy? Do you have any powder paint? If so what colors and amounts?
  3. I haven't been for a while but last time I was there I could catch fish inside the cove points on spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, and swimming jigs. They were from 3-12 feet deep. As far as reading and posting goes. I do read a bunch of stuff but only post on the ones from the lakes that I frequent. I'd probably post more if there were general forums like crappie, bass, general fishing, etc. but that is not the way this site has been designed.
  4. If it is a defect, I don't understand how it took two years to happen. Had you taken them apart lately?
  5. I couldn't find any spinnerbait fish. Most of the fish I could catch were in deep water between 15 & 25'. I fished from Bolivar access to Pittsburg access. Points were best.
  6. I use the fiber guard in my jigs most of the time. With the light wire jigs I use a fg 12 or 13. In the ones that have the heavy hooks like the Arke, I use an fg 30 or 40 depending on what the mold takes. Once in a while I use the stranded vinyl coated cable but since I heat paint the heads, I plug the molds and then glue the wire in after the heads are painted.
  7. The same thing is happening on parts of Stockton. I have been wanting to get to PdT. Now you have really given me a reason to hook up and go. Thanks for the good report.
  8. At least he didn't key you like one dude did my daughter's Lexus.
  9. Be sure to stay at the lodge where Old Faithful is. I don't remember the name but it is a great place to stay. Also be sure to see both falls.
  10. Dutch


    I am old. I am 3 years older than dirt. I even remember when they dug James River and I still only got 16.
  11. eric have you tried Float n Fly for your winter smallies?
  12. As stated you can crig a tube. You can put a bit of styrofoam in it and make it float off the bottom. You can Texpose them if you fish where it isn't real brushy. Otherwise Trig them. A way I sometimes fish them is with a bell sinker inside the tube held in place by a worm hook. Most of the time I fish them with a tube insert rigged weedless. You can use about 4 colors and do just fine. I recommend melon'pepper, white, smoke, and pumpkin seed. I buy at Bass Pro in Spfld or Fin and Feather in Spfld and don't know who makes them, just that they are salty and produce fish. Where will you be fishing?
  13. Any time I have to do this kind of work, I make everything at home. I measure, drill, install the necessary bolts, glue and staple the carpet. Then I go to the lake and have someone take the boat out or tie it up somewhere, go to the parking lot and replace what needs to be replaced. I'm betting, where you are, that George at Beaver Creek would let you tie up your boat for a while as you did the work. You might even leave it there and go back home to do the installing.
  14. Soft shell craws are really good drum bait.
  15. I'm really surprised. I figured all of you guys would jump on me like stink on crap when I put in an opposing view. I'm glad you jumpers only profess to be "conservationists" not open minded people. I think I am a little conservation minded myself. I have fenced off 5 areas for wildlife and don't allow any domestic animals in there ever. I also have it posted to keep most of the trespass hunters out and I don't hunt it.
  16. Stop and think what went on when Taneycomo was put in. The river fishermen said BOOH it will kill the area, but it turned out to make that whole area with a renowned trout fishery. I for one say dam that sucker up and see if my property down there will increase in value. So do the other land owners there that I have talked with. Just how do you guys thing this would kill the town of Crane anyway? It has already been dead for 30 years.
  17. OK don't leave the charger on all the time. Even many of the high dollar built in charger mfgs. will tell you not to leave them on for long periods of time. It only takes a few hours to charge them and they only need to be topped off every few weeks if not in use.
  18. There are some pretty good wrench turners over at Kimberling City. Brian Hayter at Ulrichs is quite good.
  19. Pixels, pixels, pixels, then color.
  20. Most garage and consumer (automotive) type battery chargers are bulk charge only, and have little (if any) voltage regulation. They are fine for a quick boost to low batteries, but not to leave on for long periods. Among the regulated chargers, there are the voltage regulated ones, such as Iota Engineering and Todd, which keep a constant regulated voltage on the batteries. If these are set to the correct voltages for your batteries, they will keep the batteries charged without damage. These are sometimes called "taper charge" - as if that is a selling point. What taper charge really means is that as the battery gets charged up, the voltage goes up, so the amps out of the charger goes down. They charge OK, but a charger rated at 20 amps may only be supplying 5 amps when the batteries are 80% charged. To get around this, Statpower (and maybe others?) have come out with "smart", or multi-stage chargers. These use a variable voltage to keep the charging amps much more constant for faster charging.
  21. Are you talking about using it to pay for stuff or using it to get paid. If you are buying stuff there is no fee. You just click on it and your info comes up and click again and they pay the bill and it comes off your card. The fees would be on the seller.
  22. They have always been there and probably always will be. They are the same type of people who keep more than a limit and take game out of season. Rules don't apply to them as long as they don't get caught.
  23. I got some help with the coords for #1 1 37.51 -93.83 426459.74 4152045.58 Converted and put on a map the two sets didn't match up on the map. So which to use?
  24. Wind is the key factor. Look for wind hitting shallow points. Last year was terrible on Stockton for fall whites and this spring wasn't much better. If you have a big boat then main lake if not then go to Aldrich or Greenfield landing.
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