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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Nice trip. When I used to fish Beaver I could only catch largemouth. I didn’t even know that it had smallmouth.
  2. Dutch

    Saw Saw?

  3. It may be down enough. Did you see the pics of Crane and Hurley last week?
  4. Dutch

    Saw Saw?

    No the correct way would be poke, though it has a lot of other connotations. Pok is a geographical location.
  5. Umm didn’t that political forum get shut down?
  6. Precision Sonar might have something or Poly Fab in Springfield might make you something. They made a couple of items for me.
  7. How about Wine Insiders, a surprise in every bottle.
  8. Are these guys former college players waiting on a change to move up?
  9. Prime lot at Joe Bald...250 Gsss.
  10. I have only been in the middle of the lake from State Park to Hartley. The water is pretty clear. Driving over upper Turkey Creek it was a bit muddy. As for the lake level it has actually dropped .14 in the last week.
  11. Yep white
  12. Yep. That’s why I am home instead of on the water.
  13. You can also run it through a book as you reel it back. Phone books were great for this application.
  14. Is Bruce Samson fishing that tournament?
  15. That’s an interesting perspective. I use Seaguar red label fluorocarbon. I have it on 7 spinning setups (6# on 4 of them and 10# on 3). I don’t have any trouble with it. I have been using it for several years. I will say that 10# is the max because of the stiffness of line greater than that.
  16. Will you please elaborate on this topic. I’m interested in your perspective.
  17. I have used the double clinch knot in the past. I rank it right next to the palomar as a pita regardless of knot degradation. A long time ago I switched to the Pitzen knot. I am primarily a fluorocarbon user, however, I use it for all line types and sizes. I don’t retie between even with Elaztech baits and have never seen knot failure.
  18. Closest that I know about is Marine Repair in Springfield. 417- 833-9191
  19. It wouldn’t surprise me with all of the water that went through Crane. The whole park and baseball field was flooded.
  20. the fish didn’t care. My neighbor and I fished out of Stockton State Park today. There were very few rigs on the lot, very few boats on the lake and no bow riders or jet skis. We caught fish most places that we stopped. Only Ned produced. We caught 41 bass 1 eye and one slimy channel cat. 3 keepers were smalljaws, 1 was a spot and 6 were largemouth. The best largemouth was a 4# on my boca grip. They all came from skinny water. Many TRD colors produced but hot snakes was best.
  21. I did once. It was way too much bother for what I got. Plus all the acid and other scraps.
  22. Remember you need a core for to avoid the charge for every battery that you buy. They run from $15-30 each.
  23. If he has mold on his siding, he can spray a 50/50 bleach and water solution. Let it set a few minutes then take a hose and rinse it off. That is faster, cheaper and a lot easier than a power washer plus it does a better job.
  24. You didn’t say how he plans to use it.
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