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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Dutch


    Only in 1 cove. We must have fished a mile of banks, points and coves catching nothing.
  2. Dutch


    I hope so but it won’t be any thing like when we could average 200 whites per day at Pom before the die off.
  3. Dutch


    We started fishing for blacks today with spinner baits. Later we switched to swim baits. We wound up catching 17 but only 4 were keepers. When the wind picked up I decided to go have a look for whites. We wound up catching 85 of them. Starting Sunday I will be there for 10 days. The water temperature was about 64°.
  4. I will be doing my annual fall campout from Oct. 20 to 30.
  5. Looks like a trifecta to me. Way to go. If my fencing project goes well I plan to go tomorrow.
  6. The blades are 41/2 and 4 on that particular one. I do use a 5 and 4 on some. I don’t use a trailer hook unless I miss a few. It interferes with the regular trailer. I keep some rigged with and some without trailer hooks.
  7. This is my usual cloudy choice.
  8. Those tree rats like the sun flower seeds in my wife’s bird feeders. So far I have discouraged 8 of them.
  9. It was a 1/2 ounce home made luminescent white with silver holographic willow leaf blades a red head and a white with red flake split tail trailer. My partner was using a lighter weight chartreuse with chartreuse twin tail trailer. We caught about the same number of bass but the larger ones seemed to favor the larger flashier bait. I plan to try it again on Tuesday.
  10. It’s finally picking up for me also. Yesterday we had 28 with 9 keepers in 5 hours on my favorite (spinner baits) though my color of choice didn’t work. I had to change to what I thought didn’t have a chance which was fortunate for me.
  11. Glad you had a good day.
  12. Dutch


    You do what you want, but if it were me, with a 17’ boat I’d be looking at Stockton State Park and fishing in the Little Sac.
  13. Dutch


    I just heard a report that says wind south with gusts to 25 you may want to go to the Little Sac.
  14. Dutch


    Anything north of Mutton Creek down to the dam will get a bit rough if the wind gets over 15 mph. The Little Sac will be a lot quieter with a SW wind.
  15. Sadly I have not seen many that will make it to the water when they fall.
  16. It looks like there may be thousands lake wide. Too bad they aren’t accessible. I would like to have about 20 cords of it in my barn. So where do you think the good fish have gone to? I camped and fished last week. I fished from above High Point to Mutton Creek. I could only find fish on big rocks with wind. I couldn’t find any deep fish any where. Just a few fish were solid keepers. Every day I changed areas but the fish kept getting smaller. The last time I went 1 out of 20 would measure. I am taking a break for a while and getting some overdue work done on the house and down at the farm. It seems that freefallin and Steve McBasser are on to some good fish.
  17. I think the little ones are this year’s and the bigger are last year’s. Most of the dead trees that I have been seeing are oak. I guess they couldn’t stand that much water for that long.
  18. We found a lot of small fish. The future looks pretty good. Most of our fish were brown. None were spots. The best bait was Ned THE DEAL. Baby brush hogs were a close second. I used 6 different colors and caught fish on 5 of them. I wonder if the bigger fish are suspended.
  19. Sounds like a super trip. I have only had 1 4# all summer long. I am headed that way in just a little bit. Chunk and wind will be early then I plan to go to bottom baits. I fished 5 days last week and never had a fish deeper than about 5’. I did leave some $10 RKs scattered around. If it is sunny I will probably use me version of firecracker, if cloudy then my version of golden shiner. I have both tied on.
  20. Noted. I wasn't aware that you had a Corps connection.
  21. Thanks but they don't look as good as yours and you caught a lot more quality than I did.
  22. I think I have a wart similar to that.
  23. I’m glad someone is getting pbj to work. Green pumpkin, green pumpkin gobie, and Canada craw have been best for me the last few days.
  24. They must be on the move. I have been catching some every trip bass fishing. Yesterday I caught 3 on square bills.
  25. The boys at Marine Repair Center have used ones. You might give them a call 417-833-9191 Scott or Brad.
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