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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. A TRD is the main bait for Ned fishing. You can get them at Wal-Mart. Shaky go ahead and google it. Plug knocker hooks on your line slides down and helps get hung up baits back. An old spark plug and a paper clip can work. i think you are over working your Ned baits. They don’t need to be hopped. They don’t need to be moved much. Google Ned Kehde and watch his video. Good luck. Hope you catch a bunch.
  2. Wait till your knees go then the chair will look pretty good.
  3. Since you’re familiar with that island at Turkey Creek my suggestion is get some Elaztech baits like Zeros or Zinkers and some shaky heads. You might also get some TRDs if you are equipped for Ned fishing. Green pumpkin and pb&j are hard to beat. Go to the island and stay well off the bank. Fish all the way around the island. Take along a plug knocker because there are a lot of bait eaters in the timber and rocks.
  4. What time are you coming tomorrow?

  5. Serious XM. Hits 1 or the Blend.
  6. Dutch

    CC Ramp

    I don’t think it could be because the lake is still about 12 feet high.
  7. Courtesy dock way high. Almost unusable for 1. it was slower than Friday. I only managed spots and small jaws. 7 total. 5 keeps. Spinnerbaits and swim baits. I also had the biggest white crappie that I have seen in years. I didn’t measure it but it was over 15 inches. It was in about 30 fow on a bluff end. Water temperature 82 degrees.
  8. Next time you’re in Springfield you might find what you need ar the Bass Pro outlet store. They have a bunch of new non current units of both Low and Bird.
  9. Sorry but they all went back. I couldn’t see cleaning fish out in the 97 degree sun. I may keep some Tuesday if I get on them again.
  10. If I have to load it, $20. If you load it, it is free. It is just taking up space. You have a pm.
  11. There is a Garmin listed for sale right here on this site.
  12. The Bass Pro Outlet store has a bunch of close out Hummingbird and Lowrance units You might want to check there.
  13. Yes I do.
  14. We got on the water a little after 6 and left before 12. We caught fish on spinnerbaits, worms, swim baits, and grubs. We fished on the main lake down to Hawker. We also fished in sons. We caught 20 bass. 5 keeper greenies and 11 keeper spots. No big fish but no dinks either. Here are a couple of green fish and a nice spot.
  15. That’s for sure. I was watching a 4th of July parade in Leadville a few years back and it was snowing. I was heading there next week until the weather man said we were supposed to have temperatures in the 80s.
  16. Nice catching. We used to catch spring eyes in Flat Creek just above Pt 15 but it has been several years since that has happened. I think I may have lost that rod and reel. did it smell like garlic.😁
  17. Yep and in August had 7am. football practice, hauled alfalfa hay during the day, then went back to evening football practice. No one thought about it being out of the ordinary nor did anyone have AC.
  18. Heading out at 5 going to try to beat some of the heat. Weatherman said it will be worse down there because of the difference in altitude. We’ll see.
  19. Yes I hate hot and humid but I also hate cold and windy. Give me May and October and I’ll be a happy camper.
  20. Hey guys thanks for the reports. The dock looks doable. Congrats on the fish catching. OD any time you don’t want the walleye I’ll be glad to take them off your hands.😜
  21. Also don’t throw back those drum ...yummy.🤪
  22. You know how old and beat up I am. A high courtesy dock would be a challenge.
  23. In general with falling water I look deeper. My plan is to concentrate on that after I run some early spinnerbaits.
  24. I have some new birds and want to keep the screens from getting scratched and protect them from flying baits. I have been looking at Graph Glass. Anyone have experience with this product?
  25. I haven’t been down there for over 2 months. I plan to go early Friday morning. I have a couple of bad knees and the courtesy docks looked higher than I want to try. I want to stay in the Big Sac arm. How is it looking at Rouark
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