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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. It finally looks like I will be able to get on the water in the morning unless something else pops up. I'm still planning on starting with the spoon. I've made too many of them to just let the set around and oxidize.
  2. Let us know how that works for you. I have had to go to a good quality 3/0 to keep my hooks from being straightened out when a good fish attacks it.
  3. I will be starting out with the spoon. If it doesn't work then I'll move to another type of fishing.
  4. I finally am going to be able to hit the water on Friday. If the wind doesn't knock me off the water, I plan to dunk a spoon. Is 50' too deep or have they moved that much?
  5. There are ramps in the back of Hawker Branch cove and Miller Branch. There is plenty of fishing for a Yak in Hartley. Son's Creek access off hwy 39 N of Greenfield. Get you good map of the area and you will be able to find dozens of places that you can launch.
  6. I made one up several years ago on a spreadsheet. It only takes a few minutes to fill in the data when I get home from a trip.
  7. If the wind is going to be N then the Little Sac arm will be calmer then the Big Sac. If it is NW it will roll right down the Little Sac. If I were going I would go either to Rouark Bluff or Cedar Ridge depending on the wind direction. By Saturday the fish might be hard to find with all the weather changes in store. Personally I am going to see what next week brings.
  8. Pay attention to what powerdrive says. He is one of the best of the best when it comes to deep fishing.
  9. A friend of mine said he caught 17 keepers and 8 shorts yesterday in 22 to 26 feet of water. He said he was casting plastics with 1/8 oz jig heads.
  10. Yeah OK location would be important for this deal. I live west of Springfield. I'm guessing 50 mile radius.
  11. We have some steers that need to be butchered in about a month. We have tried several places in the area and have had mixed results. Can any of you recommend a good place that will process beef the way the customer wants it done?
  12. Today it was 54-56° with 55° being most common.
  13. I have always been told that when there is a lake draw down fish pull off the bank. I have also been told that cold fronts make fish back off and hold tight to cover. Well that didn't prove to be the case today. My partner hadn't been on the water for the last 6 months and wanted to go today. I only had 2 ideas for us to try having not been to this area for a couple of weeks. One was timber and the other was rocks. We went to the timber first where he caught 2 keeper lmb on shaky head. I had some bites on the jig but couldn't hook up. Once we left the timber and got to rocky area I caught a nice lmb and a good white bass on a chatter bait. After leaving there we went to some other rocks that I had in mind. We got bites on jigs and worms but couldn't hook up once again. So I said lets go for broke and parallel this bank. We ran it 2 times paralleling with spinnerbaits. We had more whites and 5 more keeper lmb in water less than knee deep. He lost one about 6' from the boat that would go 3 1/2 to 4#. That was the only fish that came unbuttoned all day long. We wound up with 7 keeper blacks and 8 keeper whites. The blacks went from about 2-3 1/2 pounds. The whites were close to 2 # each. All in all it was a good day to be on the water. It really surprised me that the fish were on the same bank as they had been 2 weeks and several cold fronts earlier, especially being shallower than they had been. That goes to show that fish are not necessarily where you think they will be or where you want them to be, but where you find them.
  14. I was in Sawyer Tire in Republic today. They had a rack full of interstate crankers.
  15. I see one from time to time down at the farm when I am deer hunting. We used to see them all the time when we quail hunted around Deep Water.
  16. I'd check with one of the local boat dealers. They usually have people who do that kind of work.
  17. Which hook are you using, which head size, what size hook. I put the Eagle Claw Extra Wide gap EL098BP worm hooks on mine. The biggest problem I have had with them is the lack of summer bite and that is what I got them for. I can get spring bites, not summer bites and haven't tried them in the fall.
  18. Where I live we have barely settled the dust. Has there been enough rain to color the river around CC?
  19. You can get a fair idea of how fast a brand depreciates by looking at rigs on NADA. Pick a rig look at the value at 1 year and then at 2 and 3. Then compare it to the price of new.
  20. It might be worth your time to down load an amortization schedule and plug your numbers into it. That will let you know just how upside down you will be and how long before you may be able to break even.
  21. I've heard of it but never tried it or saw the need for it. I seldom get line twists with my Shimano spinning reels and I do manually close the bail.
  22. I fished Wed. from Hartley to above High Point. Only 3 rigs at Hartley and looked like maybe 3 at Cedar Ridge and 1 at High Point. Probably saw less than 10 boats total. The post cold front fishing was tough. No bites on jigs and only a Couple on Ned. 10 fish managed with 2 keeps on spinner baits. Fished miles of places and all fish came from 3 small very windy spots just on the lee side of points.
  23. That is as good a warranty as most batteries. The thing to look for is reserve capacity. That is the number that is important in a trolling motor battery. Flooded cell batteries should have 180 to 200 or more RC.
  24. We have also been seeing that from the spots. One close to keeper let go a bunch of shad pieces that scattered from my passenger console all the way up to the trolling motor. I have not had a single lmb spit up anything though they have had full bellies.
  25. That is a question I have been asking myself all season.
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