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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. That is not many amps for charging a deep cycle. My charger is 3 bank 15x15x15 and still takes lots of hours to bring the batteries back up.
  2. I don't wax. I use Bow to Stearn.
  3. So it my map marking the spot or not??????
  4. I really don't have a clue but it happened on Bull Shoals then on Pomme de Terre. The population at Stockton has been way down for the last 4 years.
  5. Maybe it is Table Rock's time like 2003 was for Bull. They died by the millions.
  6. I don't think so. An old road bed comes out of a pocket about where the 173 sign is on the map. It runs down the side and along the bluff right above Mash Hollow.
  7. Wayne I think he is talking about the beginning of the big flat above Mash hollow where the channel takes a sharp hook. It is very shallow on the left all the way up to the old bridge, but that pt is an abrupt change where it jogs.
  8. Dutch

    Aldrich ?

    Cedar Ridge campground is only a few miles away to the south and west. Masters camprground is north and west.
  9. I use them sometimes and sometimes I don't. I make my own when I do use them.
  10. There used to be stripers down there when I was a kid. I guess they didn't reproduce and died out. For what it is worth, I was told that the current stripers were put in by the Arkansas DNR.
  11. UH what species Phill? I thought about it today but didn't make it. What is the water color down there now?
  12. Are you talking about the area above Mash Hollow or some other place?
  13. I've had real good luck with Dual Pro. Mine is a 3 bank 15 amp. It has always done a good job and works on flooded cell or agm batteries.
  14. I looked and didn't find anything that I think will work for you. Sorry. Have you looked on Ebay?
  15. I have a few old ducers laying around. I'll see if any fits the description. BTW: Is it mounted internally?
  16. What unit does it need to fit? What color is the connector? Is it through hull or transom mount?
  17. When they are "in the mood" whites will hit anything that moves.
  18. I either use anise of a homemade garlic which comes in spreading or dipping consistancies, but mostly nothing since I don't really think it matters except when those scaley things are really picky.
  19. You might check the BPS outlet in Springfield. All of their returns are reconditioned by the guys at Marine Repair Center before they are sold. Sometimes they have really good deals. As for the Gator mount, I have been using one since 02 and have no idea what you mean by slipping.
  20. I have been in Cablea stores from Nebraska to Minnesota to South Texas. All of them are very proud of their merchandise.
  21. What kind of fixing up are you talking about?
  22. They will raise the level is we get some rain. We really haven't had much for a couple of years.
  23. I have them. I tried the glass and couldn't see my gps screen so I went with the amber. I really like them.
  24. Good luck. Good loose motors are a rare thing.
  25. Dutch

    Camping Fees?

    In the off(closed) season there in nothing but boondocking available and they don't charge for that. Sometime around March the COE will turn on the electricity and begin their Shoulder Season. You will not have water or showers and the cost is about 1/2 of normal. This runs until the parks open in April. The State Park normally keeps the electricity on all year but they also charge for it.
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