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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by awhuber

  1. You guys had a great day to be out for sure.
  2. Packed some friends and family for a fun/ fish float on Sunday. We put in at the lower Welsh landing and floated all the way to Akers. This section has some of the best scenery and often great fishing. We were not disappointed on either this trip. We floated in about 3/4 mile to our favorite hole and gravel bar and set up shop. I caught several nice rainbows before I had to cook up lunch. Fired up our 2 grills and put on some jalapeno poppers (weedless) and brats. About the time the brats were done my wife noticed something down stream 100yds or so. A whitetail buck ran into the river and swam upstream towards us. The wind was blowing upriver but there were 7 of us and our boats. He continued upriver until he was even with us and looked over and noticed all of us! He then swam down stream a few yrds and got out on our gravel bar shook and ran into the woods. A great float saw maybe 10 others I caught 10 sycamore, 5 maple and 3 rainbows. Pulled out at the ferry at 6ish and home in time to watch the game.
  3. And he was arrested For FRAUD! Pretty amazing someone would do that for $100.00...
  4. FRAUD written next to his 3 fish FRAUD written next to all his fish on the lunker board...
  5. Johnson shutins sp is leaving the showerhouse and toilet open this winter between the cabins and campground. Lots of hiking around there. Dont for get your orange!
  6. Hey I live near there and can Probably help you out.
  7. awhuber


    I am!
  8. The replacements make for some pretty entertaining games, if you're not a betting man...
  9. search for "civil war battle of inman hollow" there is are lots of info about the skirmish. The property is not on line, yet.
  10. My wife has shown it twice. pretty nice place. Let me know if you want her number.
  11. We have Floated from baptist to Parker 3 times in the last 2 weeks. The rain lst week bumped it up a hair. We were day floating , so were kinda light. You will have to get out in a few spots. The fishing has been good to excellent, using jigs in white, black and gold. It takes me around 6-7 hrs to float/fish the 5.2 miles. Well I just noticed that this big piney forum...so never mind...
  12. Great post!
  13. My tool maker isnt doing anything today, I think i'll have make me some worm molds. I have some red and black silicone and chloroprene in stock.
  14. Silicone is rubber. A rubber skirt would be no differnt than rubber legs on a fly.
  15. We got a $400 check 2 wweks ago and a notice of $100 a month increase last week...
  16. We floated by here Saturday and they have really cleaned up the picnic area by the river. We didnt stop we were in a hurry to get camp set up near our favorite Ozark Hellbender hole.
  17. Northern Shannon County at Sinking creek. http://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/news/local_news/article_a8a69624-d5a1-11e1-a61f-0019bb30f31a.html
  18. I floated Akers to Round Spring Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The water is fine for floating loaded boats. (We take everything!)We were ahead or behind most of the other floaters all week end. fishing between Akers and Pultite has always been tough for me. I did manage 1 nice fat goggle eye. The fishing between Pultite and round is always better for me. Several nice smallies and goggle eyes above sinking creek. After sinking creek the fishing really picked up. Seemed like a fish on every cast and sometimes 2 smallies would be fighting for the same lure. We used whte rooster tails and what worked past sinking was white curly tail jigs 1/16 oz. It was different not having a giant bon fire each evening, however the star show was excellent. +1 on the water comment. I found a Pocket fisherman on the river Sunday, If its anyones on here give me a hollar and I'll get it back to you.
  19. I have floated and fished Baptist to Parker twice a week for the last 4 weeks. The fishing has been real good from Baptist to Asley creek. Not so good below there. The road to Loves and the other holes is very rough. Take a canoe and camp like Gavin said. Also we are getting some rain!!!
  20. Someone said on here that a new version is coming out soon. However if you cant wait I will let mine go for $75.00
  21. http://dnr.mo.gov/newsrel/data.asp?param=139 DNR news release
  22. 4th Annual River clean up July 7, 2012 Registration 8:00 to 9:00AM : Round Springs Lower Landing or Log Yard (end of black top on HH off 106) Lunch Served to all participants - Courtesy of Town & Country Bank -- Salem. Door prizes include shirts, at least one fish cooker, a battery system and other marine related prizes. Last year prizes totaled nearly $1000.00. Must be present to win. Trash bags provided, bring your own gloves and collection tools. For further information contact Eric at (573) 663-2269
  23. yep thats what im sayin... this pic was took at least 200' from the creek. several posts on the fb page said the fish should have been released and then the dudes daughter posts that it was released.
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