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straw hat

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straw hat last won the day on May 27 2018

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    Fishing, fishing and more fishing.

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  1. The wife and I drove around the lake today and checked out several places and we thought we would post our observations. CC - Very dingy, some small debris on top. 70F degrees. Visibility almost one foot. Ruark - Fairly clear, 4 or 5 foot visibility, 66 to 69F. Mile long bridge- Fairly green water, at least 8 foot visibility, 66 to 67F. A lot of algae on the bottom even at depths of 15 to 20 ft. Hawker Point - Very clear, again, at least 8 foot visibility, 66 to 67F. Not as much algae.
  2. Stockton Lake officials to temporarily limit access to Hawker Point campground and boat ramp Officials will be closing the boat ramp and encouraging the public to limit access at the Hawker Point campground from March 18 to March 29, 2024. The boat ramp will be closed while lake staff and the Missouri Department of Conservation complete their annual fish habitat project.
  3. Went to a spot about a mile from cc. Water 47 degrees with 3' clarity. water was a little milky looking. This is a good winter spot for cats and the wife and I got into a few but they were only around a pound. Caught a lot of bass when trying to fish shallower. Say 10 to 15 feet. All were small as well.
  4. Boy, do I understand that comment. A severe accident and a herniated disc with back surgery has really slowed me down to say the least. That was my first trip to the lake since last September but at least I was able to get around fairly comfortably. Will try to go again next week. Hang in there everyone. spring is coming!!
  5. The wife and I made a short bank fishing trip yesterday just to get out of the house. Started about a mile from twin bridges. Water was very green for this time of year. Lots of boats. Water temp was 44 degrees. I was really surprised by how much things had warmed up. Visibility was about 5 feet. Also stopped at cc. Hardly any boats there. Water was slightly green and stained. Visibility was about 3 feet. Water temp was 46 degrees. Incredible!! Ten days ago the wife and I did a drive by and there was ice on the back of shallow coves. Water is warming way too fast. Had a couple hits on minnows but nothing to show for it. Beautiful day to be out for sure.
  6. I have been told the same as Krazo but the Corp did say that any Docks are private.
  7. Spent the day on the lake in the CC area yesterday. Water was 75 degrees and a strange lime green color. By noon tghere were white caps on the lake but it really didn't matter as the fishing was terrible anyway. We managed about 8 crappie with only 3 keepers. Talked to a few other boats and all had similar stories. A special note here; When launching we went in over the end of the ramp and bent things up trying to get out. We have an 18' pontoon boat so our trailer is a little long but anyone going to CC should be cautious when launching. I would also like to give a special thanks you to the nice gentleman that helped me straighten out my trailer after we landed. I am not as young as I used to be and he was a great help.
  8. Well, I finally got feeling good enough for a short trip to the CC area yesterday. Water was very dingy and yucky looking. It has a heavy oily scum on the surface, Water temp was 81 degrees first thing in the morning. Lots of shad. Managed 3 crappie. Was good to get out though.
  9. Health issues and excessive heat have held me back.
  10. I fish near Shaws bluff and for a few weeks it was around 12' but my last trip it seemed to disappear. Very surprising to me.
  11. Fishing has been really good the last 3 weeks but yesterday was an exception. They seem to be widely scattered and we had to keep moving often. Most were on bluffs or in standing timber around 20 ft +/-. Good luck.
  12. straw hat


    A tad bit warm on the lake but all in all a beautiful day. Good water color and clarity (6 ft). We caught 24 total keeper crappie. Water temp averaged around 82 degrees although my thermometer did go to 151.7 degrees once for a few seconds. lol. Now that is what you call global warming!!!
  13. straw hat


    Not too bad a day. Water temp was 82 and fairly good stain to it. Couldn't find a thermocline today. Picked up a few crappie here and there, No set depth. Some on trees, some just cruising in open water and other on channel banks. we did wind up with 25 crappie. It was a beautiful day to be on the lake.
  14. straw hat


    Well fishing was real poor yesterday. Bites were light and fish were picky. It really looked like the lake was turning over. Oily bubbly scum in many areas, water had turned dark green and a thermocline looked like it was developing around 16' deep. We only came home with 5 crappie BUT the wife did catch one nice fish. A 26" fat female walleye that weighted a hefty 7 1/2 lbs!! Definitely the largest walleye we have ever caught.
  15. Temps - 75.7 Clarity - 2' and dingy Caution - A lot of floating debris and some logs up to 6" diameter. Some crappie but it was very slow in general.
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