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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. So this is the downside of going to China. I’m certainly not bashing doing that, but “made in America” is not just a slogan. When given a choice, consumers will always go for the cheaper product...their loyalty to AMERICAN made products go bye bye really quick.
  2. Looks like a great day Bret!
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I guess those Solidworks classes did the trick!!! Congrats Girl!!
  4. Totally agree
  5. I’m sick of the winters, I would probably be a snow bird if my wife wanted another house in Florida after the girls are older. As far as Florida fishing goes, I could really dig that intracoastal fishing. A huge variety of fish. Ozarks are definitely good though, Especially LOZ.
  6. How horrible
  7. “We had a lotta buffers”
  8. The sad part about the Coronavirus is that they probably sold those experimental lab animals as food. Those people are totally consumed with money. my wife told me a long time ago that there was a guy in China who sold off his sick pigs from the feed lot to restaurants. He eventually got caught and went to jail. After he got caught, another guy who was doing the same thing, got scared and dumped all of his dead pigs in the river...like 10,000 of them. They ended up bloated and stinking in a huge pile in one one the major tourist spots along the river. I believe it was in Shanghai but not 100% sure.
  9. Junior high school
  10. Two Ozark anglers went bear hunting. They came to a fork in the road. In the middle there was a sign that said “bear left”. So they went home.
  11. I don’t know who Teresa VanWinkle is but I’ll let Jennifer Garner go fishing with me!
  12. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    The only package available today contained 2 larger steaks for $55
  13. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    It’s hard to justify $100 worth of steaks when I can feed 6-7 people for $60. But when it’s my wife and I....worth every penny of $50 for 2 steaks. Those cap steaks are amazing!
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Yes, I got the Prime New York Strips. Cooked one Sous Vide...it was the best of the 4
  15. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    No Irish potato famine here.....these babies are from Jurassic Park! Good Steaks though!
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Cheese makes the pizza IMO
  17. Right about 9am after coffee?
  18. They all learn chemistry and those big words and stuff. I’m just one of those low life machinists Bloomberg keeps yakin bout.
  19. Now that’s some fish!
  20. “You’re sheltering enemies of the state, are you not?”
  21. As usual, you articulated it much better than I did...totally agree. Those guys are about 3 steps ahead of the others.
  22. “Coach would’ve put me in, we would’ve won state. And I’d be in a hot tub right now with my soul mate!”
  23. “Franco goes in where the others have been”
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