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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I don't hardly ever do it, because I rarely fish a spinning rod, but even when I do, I don't back reel often. I guess it stems from growing up with a drag system I could never quite trust because of inconsistency. You get a real hard puller like in that video I showed you from Minnesota. If he's right at the boat, with not much line out, that's when I would use it.
  2. I switch hands with a baitcaster and not a spinning reel. With a spinning reel I crank with my left hand. I wish I could re-learn to do it that way with my baitcasters.
  3. Not my style but the Chinese way is to cut them up in 1" chunks, bones and all and steam them with ginger slices and green onions. They finish it with a soy sauce type of sauce
  4. You're confusing back-reeling with Fly Fishing😂
  5. I heard a story of some guys that killed a big snapping turtle maybe 20-30 years ago. Upon examination, they found musket ball from the civil war embedded in his shell. Wives tail or not?
  6. He sounds like a "This is my show and I'll show you who's boss" kind of guys. Yea, it won't take long for the people to figure him out and stop going there. Maybe there's a select few that love that kind of stuff And think he's cool. I went to Canada 8 years in a row when I was single. We went to a lodge that was on an island in Rough Rock lake near Minaki. It was a divine memory. The last 2 years of the 8, an Ex fighter pilot bought out the original owner (who owned it for 30 years), and took over and scared everyone off. He thought the entire lake was his personal aquarium and demanded full compliance on every detail of your stay. The biggest thing that sent him over the edge was someone bending a skeg, or dinging/breaking a prop on the rocks. Since this happened every week 2 or 3 times in the camp, you could hear him screaming at the people. Everyone who went there knew the protocol and always knew they were responsible for the repairs but this guy wanted to make an example out of everyone.... His business took a major hit is all I can say.
  7. Agreed
  8. PBJ!
  9. That's exactly what I meant.....sight fishing with a gig or a spear
  10. Well if you can sight fish, you can selectively go after the biggest fish that swims
  11. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    A little dramatic but this looks darn good!
  12. Life is short! God bless his family
  13. As you said, you can never eliminate all the twist, it's just part of the problem of a spinning reel. The ability to back reel would be one of the pluses. On a different note, the guides on a spinning reel and how they perform hanging upside down instead of up, while under line stretch, seems to be a better system. But I've been too chicken to buy a spiral guide rod for a baitcasting setup.
  14. Since were talking about snapping turtles… Just ask Seth about this picture from last weekend! The hi-def craw catches turtles too!
  15. Wow, sounds like he was a real goofball
  16. The first thing i do when applying line to a spinning reel is put the spool on the floor so it comes off counter clockwise. Then I try to spray a little KVD or reel magic on a rag and pinch the rag tightly on the end causing a pinch point that eliminates some twist as I'm spooling. As far as closing the bail by hand, I always do it followed up by grabbing the line and giving it a tug to remove that nasty little loop that sometimes happens. You know the nasty little .5" diameter loop that looks so innocent and then causes all you line to spring out on the next cast. Anyway I so dislike fishing spinning rods unless I absolutely have to.
  17. Did the guy change the subject 5 times in the same sentence?
  18. The chain makes the boat drift slower that the current?
  19. No shuffling required!
  20. Labs are the perfect dog to me. Not wimpy, always willing to have fun, be enthusiastic without being too hyper, and are pretty good at obeying commands and being loyal. To me this speaks volumes for the labs owner, which in turn speaks volumes for why people buy pit bulls.....a whole different subject.
  21. If given a choice, my Chinese inlaws prefer to eat drum over just about any fish. When I'm fishing for bass in the middle of the river and catch a drum, I usually bring it home.
  22. I went as far up past swinging bridge as I could go in a jet boat 3 years ago. You hit skinny water very quick....like too narrow to turn your boat around skinny.
  23. The Costal and Nor Easter Elites, and most of Western Europe are holier than thou. They really think they are smarter and more worthy than us. It doesn't bother me too much though. I think the Europeans with their 4 day work weeks and extended "Holidays" have much worse problems than us. But as long as they feel superior, so be it. They're still ticked about our Exodus.
  24. Don't be discouraged. Do you ever use spinning gear?
  25. I want to hug that dog
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