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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Very nice! I'm always struck by how beautiful God's creatures are!
  2. Mitch f

    River Bass

    Thanks Norm, I appreciate that!
  3. Is this a "jigs only" event?
  4. Be careful in that area, it's prone to bad storms that come up and get crazy before you know it.?
  5. There was a lure collector in STL that named his daughter Zara...I wonder if he knows this story?
  6. Great information!! I would love to build my own rods, buts that's just one more thing I really don't have time to do. Not to mention, I really believe I would end up using more expensive components and wouldn't save any money!
  7. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Nothing better!?
  8. Great report
  9. Way to go!!
  10. Looks like fun!
  11. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Or should I say "Barkin-sock" ?
  12. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Poor man's Birkenstock
  13. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Very Wabi-Sabi! Your meal photo was made perfect through its one imperfection ???
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Looks edible! You left da butta in the microwave more than 20 seconds though! ?
  15. I have become very aware of my own mortality after the death of my parents. I'm still not over it and it's been a few years. I've become very sentimental with my wife and daughters and cherish every waking hour. Sorry for your Uncle Bo, JD.
  16. My brother in law just got back from China and ate these 12 day old pigeons.
  17. Wow that sucks! Freakin criminals
  18. Well done Mr. Jones!
  19. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I love Andria's....the only issue I have is that you really need to watch closely or it will burn, from the sugar content I'm guessing. But the flavor is outstanding!
  20. Since we are going to someone's house for Thanksgiving, and didn't have to cook anything, I had some time to kill and tried to duplicate Alex's crawfish.
  21. Caldwell Dead Shot field pods? Primos Monopod trigger sticks? Man those poor critters ain't got a chance anymore!!?
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