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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Nice bass!!
  2. Come on Scott, no more Vodka
  3. http://m.stltoday.com/lifestyles/columns/joe-holleman/lake-of-the-ozarks-is-no-recreational-lake-usa-today/article_92005a69-6b83-52ae-8cbd-5b0d4b6c2510.html
  4. Very nice fish!!
  5. Jerry is right, I've never seen more jet boats in my life. It's very insidious, starts out slow. The Internet is a permanent record, people don't seem to get that through their noggin until it's too late. Social media, although very informative, sucks for fishing spots.
  6. Only if you're fishing a "rouge"
  7. Mitch f

    Big M

    At the end of the day, I guess how many I caught, might be close, might not. But I will remember the number of fish over 17", if I happen to catch them. Like someone said, to each his own. I'm also just as happy if someone catches the big one and I don't. If the numbers start getting extremely lopsided, then I get a little concerned? Who doesn't?
  8. That's a dandy fish!
  9. Mitch f

    Big M

    I had a buddy who picked up a clicker at Golf discount to count his strokes. The first round after that, we were on the 12th hole or so, and he landed in the sand trap. He whiffed about 4 times and was clicking with each stroke. My other buddy said "Good thing you've got a clicker!". He picked up the ball and threw it on the green as hard as he could and let out a string of profanities that would make any man proud. I'm pretty sure he never got out the clicker again.
  10. Mitch f

    Big M

    I get that, you must catch a helluva lot more fish than I do?
  11. Mitch f

    Big M

    A clicker?? Are you kidding?
  12. Doesn't he make trips back to China for business or something?
  13. I do the same but I have an anchor tied on the end of the rope
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Is a light year like a regular year only with less calories?
  15. Like a countdown minnow I suppose, only with a bigger profile. The holy Rogues have kind of a Twitter action during the sinking, right?
  16. Holy Rouge? That's taking me back! What about the new deeper diving jerk baits?
  17. Looks like a blast! Who took the picture?
  18. That place is awesome
  19. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    It tasted fantastic, I definitely feel it's better than normal, not totally sure it's worth the effort, but I'll say 15-25% better. Now, let's see if I end up in the ER! ?
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Well, It looks fine, had to stick my nose within a couple of inches to smell anything. It smelled a little. What do you think?
  22. You've covered all the bases! ??
  23. 1. I love Jewel Bait Company 2. I Love Rueben sandwiches 3. I'm on Facebook
  24. In that area, pretty limited...I wouldn't buy a prop around the state park.
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