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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f


    I wouldn’t fret over it. You’re a good dude
  2. Mitch f


    You’re obviously just better than everyone else. You’re the biggest douche bag on this forum.
  3. Ditto...Except The last sentence. 😂
  4. Bingo if your lucky, Alzheimer’s if you ain’t
  5. Low T, happens to all of us 😂
  6. I’ve never smoked a joint in my life. I can’t try it now, go into too many Power Plants that drug test. I work with a welder/fabricator on a consistent basis who gets high at lunch. From 1 to 3 or so he’s constantly staring in outer space trying to regain focus.
  7. I get that, but I don’t have to hire them.
  8. You guys have very low expectations for mankind! 😂
  9. I think a blue/orange bluegill pattern might be cool
  10. I don’t have any big problem with bed fishing on a huge reservoir
  11. If they’re driving a fork truck lifting heavy things would you say the same thing?
  12. Done spawning. I guess that lake has a huge variety of spawn times for smallmouth
  13. Back in the day I fished a few times with Fred McClintock at Dale Hollow. He showed me some beds at 15 ft deep and said the smallies will bed down to 20. I haven’t seen Fred in at least 10 years, I think I heard he passed a while back.
  14. Well I know Watson won a couple of weeks ago with bed fish....according to his report
  15. I know if water is clear they can spawn up to 15-20 deep.
  16. I’m confused Wrench, what the heck are you talking about?
  17. There’s plenty of work out there if you really want it.
  18. They’re probably bed fishing...those fish will munch anything
  19. Welcome to the usual government BS Covid rules at the West County license office. Standing out in the heat for a long time.
  20. The drivers are usually really good dudes. This particular UPS store is close to my office, so I go there for convenience sake.
  21. Not bad for cubic zirconia
  22. How many Carrots 🥕??
  23. Some snowflake today at the UPS store got onto me because he couldn’t hear what I said twice, so I lowered my mask 😷 about halfway and he jumped back and said “Please replace your mask sir!” I said ok no problem but I’ve already been vaccinated twice. He said “You could still be a carrier!” I’m like whatever. Then he said “We are still in the freak out mode because a guy came in a couple of weeks ago without a mask and he was later diagnosed with Covid!” I guess he expected a response from me but I just gave me a blank stare of amazement. I have never in my life seen such BS. I have pity on all the idiots who live by every word Fauci says. This kid was 25 at the absolute most and was scared shitless.
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