Hunted ducks so much in the 90’s I kind of 🔥 burned myself out. Had some good times though. I remember we took 5 guys to a field once around Clinton, MO and a group of 10 geese came in and we killed them all. Several times had over 200 ducks come into the decoys at Truman. Those big groups are cool to watch, but I’d actually rather have groups of 10.
We also did the Hardin, IL draw blinds for a few years. The drawing would be held at a park and they made a huge event out of it. The first year we lucked out and got a fantastic blind draw. When they announced our name from Missouri, a huge boooooooooo came over the crowd. It was a 3 year draw. You had to build the blind and they sent an inspector out to check your blind out, he was like a freaking AS9100 auditor. 😂. The locals knew our blind was so good that they offered to create and maintain our blind for us. All we had to do was show up for the weekend. Which was great for us. The blinds were on an island on the Illinois river. They had rollers to roll your boat into the island. Some guys were so strict that if they thought you were not letting the ducks work, they would shoot at you from about 150 yards away...raining your blind with pellets. The same dudes would act all nicey nicey to you in the parking lot. Crazy stuff.
I had a great Labrador named Jack and he was in heaven during those years. After Jack died, I kind of lost interest.