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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. No, to be technically correct, you said it was “out of hand” 😂
  2. The Coens are probably my favorites. Robert Duvall made the first True Grit special. I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man!
  3. Seems like this is the one thing we can agree on!
  4. The current situation is just is being used as a distraction because it’s election year and they are frantically trying all possible means to remove Trump. Russian interference, impeachment, Covid panic, Trump is dividing us, blah blah blah. The left is not in any mood to have the distraction turned elsewhere. Keep focusing on The Donald.
  5. Patiently waiting
  6. Anytime creek fish are hauled to a weigh in...bad idea. I totally agree @Flysmallie
  7. My wife works in Brentwood and her company just sent everyone home because of the protests
  8. We’re the instigators BLM or young white Antifa types?
  9. I don’t disagree with you Al, but the left wasn’t too happy with “Mad Dog” Mattis at first either. As soon as he turns against Trump, now he’s described in the article as the “Esteemed” General. Both him and Bolton are still good guys in my book though. But I’m not sure where Mattis is coming up with this crap while all the looting and burning is going on. Pretty dumb
  10. Mattis acts like it’s a peaceful and wholesome protest....as Cities are burning across America. “A small number of lawbreakers” ya right
  11. Have you ever thought about making a jig with a wire weedguard?
  12. Got to wonder if skill and drive is where the luck comes from.
  13. Wheeler and/or Thrift
  14. Well I’ve floated with Al at basically the upper most floatable section and the lower most floatable section...and some in the middle. He would know more than me, but I remember quite a few cars up against trees on the bank...and some in the river.
  15. Then you should fish the Big 😂
  16. Maybe call Gasconade Hills and ask them
  17. Jacks Fork is beautiful
  18. Isn’t Gasconade Hills campground up that way?
  19. Thanks! We will see how much of a “Good Neighbor” State Farm is.😂
  20. I received word from the storage lot where I store my boat that a dude ran through their fence and smacked my boat knocking it 25 feet. It’s totaled. I’m gonna start a new build myself...hopefully with his insurance money. 🤞
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    We walked in a pretty large local park with the family today. Grandma (Nai Nai) and Grandpa (Yei Yei) picked what I’m assuming are honeysuckles? The ladies then had a flower disassembling fest to turn these into herbal tea. Apparently the tea helps sooth and cure some nose and throat issues. Always fun to watch.
  22. Why don’t you just use the method you taught me about C-Clamping the molds with the wires inside? I would think you really don’t need the wires separated at the base. You can use 135 pound brown mason 7 strand wire and just bend them to the correct location. No need to drill an oversized hole with wobble and pray that the epoxy will hold. Just pour it like any other jig with the wires in the mold ahead of time.
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