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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I know nothing about college football but I overheard guys in the gym locker room talking about 15K empty seats?
  2. Very nice!
  3. ^^^^ this
  4. I enjoy videos from Prager U, they've got a whole channel on YouTube. This one is very good.
  5. This ankle deep or knee deep thing is too difficult to manage. If you go to a river like the Salt or Big, or another murky stream, and there is negligible current, you could have no idea how deep it is or grossly underestimate how deep it is and break your prop easily. It's different if you're in a super clear creek like the Huzzah or Courtois the time.
  6. Any you can also win any bass tournament with a Zebco 202?
  7. Don't agree....It's a huge risk, and you'd be going so slow that I wouldn't recommend it. Dodging big rocks and getting out to drag is pretty dangerous on a big river. You break a prop or a lower unit and you wish you've never done it. He's not talking about a bunch of gravel but huge boulders.
  8. Ha ha yep, you don't need that reseller in your life.
  9. I'm having a tough time figuring out the difference between fishing in High School and any other high school sporting event.
  10. Even if they caught him he would get a slap on the wrist. If he was here illegally, probably not even a slap
  11. Luka Brazzi sleeps with the fishes. If Luka would've only had a River Pro!?
  12. Yea, I think my wife is beautiful, but when she comes out from having a facial I can't see any difference.
  13. Small creeks are very susceptible to over use.
  14. Good advice Al... I might add that you can upsize the hook with the newer short shank trebles and still not have a tangling issue. The Gamakatsu short shank EWG's are a great solution.
  15. About 15 years ago my buddy who works for the MDC told me the chicken farm poop was much worse in Table Rock than LOZ.
  16. Great advice! Just don't forget to turn it back?
  17. I've seen this before, this guy is crazy. I love the fact that he has to use the pliers to put the small hook in! it seems like he is shaking a bit.
  18. I think I might just try to get mine fixed. Its for my 1650 Jon Boat. Thanks for offering though.
  19. Is the drop shot considered a last resort at TR or something, or just not Champs style? I was at TR a few weeks ago with the family around the Kimberling City area. My trolling motor went out so needless to say my fishing was very hampered. A guy in the slip next to me was talking about using full size 8" trick worms for the drop shot. Whats your normal drop shot bait Quill?
  20. I would say Bucky Dent....as pronounced by the Boston Red Sox
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8tfuBIutLI&sns=em
  22. I run the rivers with my jet in constant fear of my passengers getting smacked in the head by a log that I didn't see. It's never happened before, but the power of the mind is strong. I catch myself enjoying the breeze hitting against my face and watching the beautiful scenery that was given to us, and finally realize that I'm going 25 mph on a skinny river with passengers who need to return safely to their families. I'm getting old I guess.
  23. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I guess being a Chiefs fan always makes a person see with a distorted view of reality?
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