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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. The way he is treated he has the right, although I don’t like the tweeting
  2. Just come back and we can go to chain of rocks and catch a few
  3. If you’re serious, then you need to spend some money. That will determine how serious you are. Use the money to hire a river guide and learn. It’s worth the money and the learning curve will be about 500% faster. Next, spend some money and buy a boat.
  4. The Jackall rhythm wave is a great bait too.
  5. So when is one of you going to call the boy out? You guys let this BS happen and even promote it. I called him out. Totally agree with @Flysmallie on this one...he’s starting to sound like Trump with all the tweeting. They say that the person you most despise is just like you, I guess him and Trump are alike.
  6. Not me Turtle Head, just telling the truth.
  7. You’re pathetic, no wonder he’s your friend
  8. Has he ever caught a fish?
  9. Yep, Killing infants by the hundreds of thousands, up till and including birth. Allowing degenerate criminals to loot and destroy their own neighborhoods. Killing each other at 4 times the normal homicide rate, enacting policies that cause economies to fall. The dems have that under control, all the degenerates are on their side, which includes you of course (the guy who voted for Bush whos now going to cut off his nose to spite his face, because he doesn't like Trump). You have gone from a funny, and not so great wannabe fisherman to a complete F_cking douche bag in about a year.
  10. I have full knowledge of this
  11. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    This looks so darn good. What type of smoker do you have? Also what internal temperature do you finish with?
  12. And for the Greatest song writer of all time IMHO
  13. I’m one of those guys you’ve heard about that had 2 very real experiences when I cried out for help. I’m a believer and no one can tell me different. But I understand some are skeptical. I want my children to be with me as long as I can on this earth. Which is why I feel that without kids, it’s hard for a person to understand and relate to some things.
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I need a White Castle Fix. Won’t be good for my Mediterranean diet though! 😂
  15. My name is Maximus Desimus Meridias, because of the pandemic
  16. I used to work at a women’s underwear factory and was pulling down about 100 a day!!
  17. Ya know you have 3 Coen brothers in this list. This is scene is probably in my top 3 now...so good
  18. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    When I went to visit my wife in China in 2005, we went to a restaurant and I told my wife to just order me what she likes at a restaurant. They brought out red jello...but it wasn’t clear. I took a bite and said no thanks. The waitress asked me “You don’t like the ducks blood 🩸?”
  19. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    There are very few things I won’t eat...this is one! Sea Cucumbers. My wife’s family loves them.
  20. I know the song well!!
  21. The guy obviously was a classical trained guitarist, very good! Although he looks like one of you Amish dudes! 😂
  22. They are covering Rush and it’s climbing the charts?
  23. That’s is fantastic news!!! Amen brother!
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