launched at 0700. The lake was calm, it was mild with a mix of clouds and sun. The wind came outta the south. I was in a hurry to launch the boat, needed a fishing fix in a bad way. I quickly unhooked the trailer, released the transom saver, shoved the boat in, tethered it back to the ramp unclipped the bow hook and parked the truck. calling for my dog to load up we jumped into a boat full of water. I forgot the plug. it didn't take too long to correct my fubar and we were fishing. water temp ranged from 48 to 59 in the many spots I checked, it was clear I wasn't the only one jumping around having some difficulties getting on fish, saw the same 6 boats three times each. long hard day of fishing made short, I gave up at 1800 with 2 crappie, a drum a short bass and grin on my face. I've done much better on worse days on thomashill, this was a slow day for me for sure.