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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by gotmuddy

  1. They love to fish. They love camping too
  2. I have grown to love it too.
  3. lets see if this video works. if so its hilarious. 20240211_115806.mp4
  4. I took 3 of my sisters fishing yesterday, and we had an absolute blast. We mainly fished the bottom of the shoals. One sister(pictured) on the first drift pulled off a hat trick(back to back to back). Had a few doubles, no triples though. Lots of laughs and just overall a great time. The bass was very interesting to see in person because it looked like a 1/3 scale version of a huge fish because its belly was bulging with food. ****edited to fix pictures**** cant attach
  5. Thanks for the notice. I have a year to gently persuade my wife to set my daughters birthday to the weekend before.
  6. These are the best fishing trips in my eyes.
  7. thats not a bad price IMO. Rockbridge is where Cloud 9 gets their trout from, very high quality.
  8. The trout boat did really well on the river last weekend. I was surprised how recomendation
  9. Looks like yall had a great time.
  10. I like it quite a bit. It will be nice being able to make gumbo with seafood(my wife is a seafood hater)
  11. do it, no time like the present!
  12. ditto! next year I am making gumbo.
  13. I already got the weekend on the calender.
  14. Yah thankfully the deadfalls were cut up where they could be navigated. We were about 4 miles up
  15. I didnt know @Ryan Miloshewski was at the tournament?? 😅
  16. oooh nice, I need one of those.
  17. Looks like the river was right at 660cfs when we were fishing, IMO it felt about perfect
  18. The weather and water were perfect.
  19. Fishing wasn't great. Eric had the biggest with a 14" fat smallie. He had a couple largemouths with a few smallies, all mine were smallies. he caught the biggest smallie on a ned rig. I caught a few on the 1/25 tri olive jig, and jerkbait/wiggle wart caught a couple. We ended up with 12 or so
  20. I've got an empty seat if you want to come along
  21. Looks like they are using it already too
  22. @9nbow is gonna go with me tomorrow. Weather looks great
  23. bet you can get one from BP if no one here has one.
  24. gotmuddy

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    Blasphemy!!! lol
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