Members Magnum8 Posted July 7, 2019 Members Posted July 7, 2019 On 11/24/2009 at 7:05 AM, redbud said: I dont have any problems with trot line,limb line or jug fishing . If you decide to fish like this please follow regulations .There are abandoned jugs and lines all over the lake. After a couple of days it is trash. Old limb lines can be dangerous to wild life. I have seen more than once a blue heron that has flown into a dangling line and become hooked only to struggle to death.As the lake levels fluctuate some of these lines are left at just about face level if you are standing on the deck of a fishing boat.Many of these lines are nylon with a galvanized 6/0 hook, never to decompose. This became such a problem on other small lakes that it has been banned in many states.I have also seen trophy bass dead on a trot line half eaten by turtles, what a shame . Please be responsible ,Irespect everyones right to take a fish .Old lines are always cut when I encounter them. , Clearly you do have a problem with it or you wouldn't be so passionate about it! That goes for the people who "second this" and "whack them!" I think I may have encountered "whack them." (After a few days, he goes and cuts them....I think he may have been the guy who watched me put out a trot line and then zipped across the way as I was still putting back (24' pontoon 40 hp engine...only goes 15 "putting" allowed my, now wife/then girlfriend to watch a bass boat fly over there and she thought he just cut my noodle that I tied to the center of my trot line, right where my weight was below it. My noodle, of course, had my name, address, telephone # and it had the dock address of where I was staying for that trip. Fortunately for me, this "moss covered.errrr BRAND NEW MADE BY HAND NICE TROT LINE that my girlfriend, who had never seen a catfish in person before/never held a fishing pole before/sure as hell never did any juggin or trotlining before, was extremely disappointed in. She said and I quote, "you must have spent a half dozen hours working on that set up and then some old man came along and just cut it? What stops them from doing that all the time?" ….to which I replied, "my grampas 44 hogleg he keeps on the boat; the ghettoriffic G9 with the 20 round clip of cop killaz, he keeps in his truck for when he is out and about in Kansas City and his .23 sniper rifle that he has been known to umm, well...keep people honest with.") Good news for you all. My grampa died 6 years ago this past march 23rd. Why do I remember that date? That is the day my wife and I found out that she was pregnant with our 1 and only son. Its a gatdamn miracle that he is here. My wife, best woman on earth, had thyroid cancer the 5 years we were married and unsuccessful having kids. We didn't find out that miserable news until our son was almost 2. I tell you all this, to share this with you...My grampa grew up around Crane Creek. My grandma grew up just off the Marble Grounds. Grampa took my noodling up and down the James as a kid; took me juggin and runnin trot lines and limp lines. He was a hero to me. My son is 5 1/2 years old now and loves to fish. He is particularly interested in catching a big ole flathead like the ones his great grandmother shows him pic of next to me when I was his age with Gramps holding it being as big as me. (You read grandmother is still alive. I guess there is something to drinking out of that fountain in Ponce?!) Anyway, my parents, wife, son and I are going to be spending a week down at the lake in mid july and in mid august. I have 20 jugs made up. As I stated before, I follow all the rules. I am not a drunk. (not with my son and my mother around, especially!) I don't litter, leave stuff behind, leave stuff in the middle of the lake or leave noodle jugs out floating alone for 12 hours. I might, however, sneak back in a creek in the middle of the night and throw them out and have to take the little guy in and come back, which can take an hour or more with my boat only putting 15 mph. I won't have them in a boat travelling area. You would have to go looking for them to find them. Building memories with my 5 year old that will last a lifetime is important to me. It is important to me for him to see things done the right way and to be rewarded for it. If you happen to spot me, my wonderful family, my legal jugs that are well tended to and not just left to cause issues or any other things that are negative that I hate as much as you do, please DO NOT teach my son that, no matter what you try to do, there are just angry old "bottomheads" out there that plain don't care about anyone or anything. Let him have these memories! Oh, and don't worry, we aren't going to keep all the fish and sell them or whatever the hell else you accuse people of (...and you are probably right, we will clean 1 or 2 midsized and flatheads and leave the rest.) Thank you and God Bless,
Jeremy Rasnick Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 On 7/7/2019 at 5:06 AM, Magnum8 said: Clearly you do have a problem with it or you wouldn't be so passionate about it! That goes for the people who "second this" and "whack them!" I think I may have encountered "whack them." (After a few days, he goes and cuts them....I think he may have been the guy who watched me put out a trot line and then zipped across the way as I was still putting back (24' pontoon 40 hp engine...only goes 15 "putting" allowed my, now wife/then girlfriend to watch a bass boat fly over there and she thought he just cut my noodle that I tied to the center of my trot line, right where my weight was below it. My noodle, of course, had my name, address, telephone # and it had the dock address of where I was staying for that trip. Fortunately for me, this "moss covered.errrr BRAND NEW MADE BY HAND NICE TROT LINE that my girlfriend, who had never seen a catfish in person before/never held a fishing pole before/sure as hell never did any juggin or trotlining before, was extremely disappointed in. She said and I quote, "you must have spent a half dozen hours working on that set up and then some old man came along and just cut it? What stops them from doing that all the time?" ….to which I replied, "my grampas 44 hogleg he keeps on the boat; the ghettoriffic G9 with the 20 round clip of cop killaz, he keeps in his truck for when he is out and about in Kansas City and his .23 sniper rifle that he has been known to umm, well...keep people honest with.") Good news for you all. My grampa died 6 years ago this past march 23rd. Why do I remember that date? That is the day my wife and I found out that she was pregnant with our 1 and only son. Its a gatdamn miracle that he is here. My wife, best woman on earth, had thyroid cancer the 5 years we were married and unsuccessful having kids. We didn't find out that miserable news until our son was almost 2. I tell you all this, to share this with you...My grampa grew up around Crane Creek. My grandma grew up just off the Marble Grounds. Grampa took my noodling up and down the James as a kid; took me juggin and runnin trot lines and limp lines. He was a hero to me. My son is 5 1/2 years old now and loves to fish. He is particularly interested in catching a big ole flathead like the ones his great grandmother shows him pic of next to me when I was his age with Gramps holding it being as big as me. (You read grandmother is still alive. I guess there is something to drinking out of that fountain in Ponce?!) Anyway, my parents, wife, son and I are going to be spending a week down at the lake in mid july and in mid august. I have 20 jugs made up. As I stated before, I follow all the rules. I am not a drunk. (not with my son and my mother around, especially!) I don't litter, leave stuff behind, leave stuff in the middle of the lake or leave noodle jugs out floating alone for 12 hours. I might, however, sneak back in a creek in the middle of the night and throw them out and have to take the little guy in and come back, which can take an hour or more with my boat only putting 15 mph. I won't have them in a boat travelling area. You would have to go looking for them to find them. Building memories with my 5 year old that will last a lifetime is important to me. It is important to me for him to see things done the right way and to be rewarded for it. If you happen to spot me, my wonderful family, my legal jugs that are well tended to and not just left to cause issues or any other things that are negative that I hate as much as you do, please DO NOT teach my son that, no matter what you try to do, there are just angry old "bottomheads" out there that plain don't care about anyone or anything. Let him have these memories! Oh, and don't worry, we aren't going to keep all the fish and sell them or whatever the hell else you accuse people of (...and you are probably right, we will clean 1 or 2 midsized and flatheads and leave the rest.) Thank you and God Bless, Making memories with my little fishing buddy as well. This was the end of May around long creek. We tossed out 12 floaters baited with sunfish. I like them about 10-12 feet long. I catch a lot like this. abkeenan, nomolites, Daryk Campbell Sr and 1 other 4
m&m Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 Jeremy, looks like somebody likes pink. You’re making Great memories with your fishing buddy. Mike
Guest Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 On 11/23/2009 at 10:32 PM, abkeenan said: i am not an expert but i set out a trotline a few times a year and i love the whole process. Bass fish early morning until around 11ish, eat lunch, go catch perch for bait until around 3, set out the trotline, eat dinner, go back out and bass fish until whenever. Catching those perch is a ball in itself on a little tube jig and lil spinner on ultra light stuff. Heck sometimes u catch a bass or have a cat try to eat the perch when u are reeling it to the boat. Sorry for the rant, just good memories and cant wait to get til spring/summer to do it again. As far as the trotline goes make sure u get the one that has the little beads that are seperated by an inch or so every 5 feet or so with the clip with the swivel that you can unhook from the line. Its better for many reasons: the beads dont allow the hook to slide up and down the line, the unclipable part makes it easier to reload on bait, replace if hook it bent/lost/etc. and also when u have a fish on instead of having to get the hook out of the fishes mouth (how tough are catfishes mouths!) you just unclip the whole rig and get it out later = much easier, especially on the bigger cats. The swivel helps keep them on the line due to the cats innate ability to roll with power. I like putting my trotline from snag to snag in the water, usually trying to find water from 15-20 feet anchored in the middle of the line by something heavy enough (small anchor, scrap metal, brick, rock, etc.) to keep the middle of the line down on the bottom. I hook the perch in the back just behind the dorsal fin. I dont use sunfish because they seem to die much quicker than the black perch on the hook. Also on the hooks that come on the trotline i replace with heavier circle hooks that hold the cats on longer and gets them in the crook of the mouth everytime. Make sure u have your line marked with jugs and i try to keep out of the way where i know bass fisherman are going to be fishing. Also make sure u either keep the board that the trotline comes on in the package or make something where u can wind it back on when you are finished using it, if not u will have the biggest mess and tangle ever. Also might take along a big container/bucket of some sort to put your cats in cause they like to really slime up your boat/carpet. Hope this helps. -Brett Make sure u have your line marked with jugs - thank you for mentioning to be sure to clearly mark your line with jugs. i have never snagged a lure in a clearly marked trot line because it tells us to not throw there. bo abkeenan 1
evilcatfish Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 I had to do a double take before realizing this thread said 2009 and not 2019 snagged in outlet 3, MoCarp, Daryk Campbell Sr and 1 other 3 1
MOPanfisher Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 19 hours ago, Jeremy Rasnick said: Making memories with my little fishing buddy as well. This was the end of May around long creek. We tossed out 12 floaters baited with sunfish. I like them about 10-12 feet long. I catch a lot like this. She Is A Lot Cuter And Probably Just As Good Of Help As Some Of Your Other Fishing buddies. Jeremy Rasnick and Daryk Campbell Sr 1 1
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