Jerry Rapp Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 this can't be true can it?
LarrySTL Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 Its been around for many years and its a tax assessed on the manufacturer or importer. The proceeds are earmarked for the Wallop Breaux funds that go to the states for sportfishing. Occassionally Congress tries to divert some of the money from this to their Idea of the Day but that generally gets shot down pretty quickly as BASS and some other huge sportfishing muscle scream. Google will tell you a lot more than I can. I strongly suspect Gavin could too. To me, this is one thing the Feds do that works out ok.
Al Agnew Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 Yep, it's NOT a new tax. It's been around for a long time, and has furnished a LOT of money to state conservation departments. Last time I checked, I believe MDC was getting about 10% of their total funds from this tax and a similar one on hunting equipment. It might have been more than that.
Gavin Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 Nothing new...its been in the tax code for 60 years or so...
Feathers and Fins Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 One of the few taxes that have worked for a long time. It and the Federal Duck Stamp are true conservation tools.
Chief Grey Bear Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 What!!! Where is the outrage!! This is just another huge scandal from the big O regime! Just more hidden taxes from the Healthcare stuffed down our throats! This just reeks of union thug Chicago gang land style politics! Absolutely unbelievable! This is Marxist socialism at its height! We must overthrow this government now! Blantant tyranny! What?? taxes have been collected since the inception of this country by its founding fathers? You mean this is not a huge scandal? The other stuff is not either? Oh....well......ok...... Chief Grey Bear Living is dangerous to your health Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors
Al Agnew Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 I gotta hope Jerry was kidding with this post. The alternative is that somebody keeps bringing up these taxes (just like the last time he posted something like this) in mass emails or on right wing websites, just to stir up crap among a lot of people who are quick to anger about anything that smacks of taxes and won't bother to check for the truth. If that was the case here, it's cynical lying at its worst, because it not only misrepresents the tax as a new one (probably, as Chief said, somehow tied to Obamacare or the Democrats) but it turns people against a tax that has been doing a HUGE amount of good for a long time, a tax that all sportsmen have been for and should be for.
exiledguide Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 This was a new tax in 1950 when it was called the Dingell Johnson act and has been amended many times and now is called the Breaux ??? act. If you want to blame somebody its those liberal pinkos who belong to subversive commie front organizations Ducks Unlimited etc. who lobbied for it. Just like all those left wing groups who passed the Design For Conservation 1/8 cent sales tax which was designed to seize private property on streams under the guise of river access or recreational access but really was used as a commie plot after President Clinton was elected to use the land to put Christians in concentration camps down in the Arcadia Valley over to the Big Piney and Current River areas. However Christian Patriots, who made a pretty good living by exposing such nefarious plots in public rallies in the aforementioned areas, exposed this plot After exposure the money was directed back to its original purpose....... and the speakers who rallied the folks went on to exposing other liberal pinko whatever...... I'm just glad Jerry Rapp is here to warn us......
bfishn Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 This was a new tax in 1950 when it was called the Dingell Johnson act and has been amended many times and now is called the Breaux ??? act. If you want to blame somebody its those liberal pinkos who belong to subversive commie front organizations Ducks Unlimited etc. who lobbied for it. Just like all those left wing groups who passed the Design For Conservation 1/8 cent sales tax which was designed to seize private property on streams under the guise of river access or recreational access but really was used as a commie plot after President Clinton was elected to use the land to put Christians in concentration camps down in the Arcadia Valley over to the Big Piney and Current River areas. However Christian Patriots, who made a pretty good living by exposing such nefarious plots in public rallies in the aforementioned areas, exposed this plot After exposure the money was directed back to its original purpose....... and the speakers who rallied the folks went on to exposing other liberal pinko whatever...... I'm just glad Jerry Rapp is here to warn us...... Excellent anti-rant! You could write for Colbert. Would love to share a beverage (or five) with you sometime. I can't dance like I used to.
Greasy B Posted June 1, 2013 Posted June 1, 2013 Yeah, that made my morning. Thanks His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974
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