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  On 10/3/2013 at 12:25 AM, basscat123 said:

Considering the entire lake project was funded by taxpayer money and continually supported by the same over time. Then they gouge us with the launch fees and so we purchase an annual pass to avoid having to stop at the shack on our way to fish and add more cost to our already paid for launch ramp. Press forward to this fiasco and they want to block the ramp of our choice when we want to fish when we have the opportunity. I am not staying home, I'm going fishing. Sorry for ranting, I'm just fed up with it

I am with you basscat. All we can do is vote the sorry s.o.b. democrats out when the time comes. This country is falling apart under Obama, and the liberal democrats. Surely the people with any intelligence at all know now that voting for him was a huge mistake, other than the people who are on the government tit. The US is rapidly becoming a socialist country under this idiot. I could rant forever on this subject, but the government shutdown is just another example of how screwed up things are.

Born to Fish. Forced to Work.


I am no fan of the Jackasses or the Elephants. I can't see an ounce of difference except that it is sometimes a another flavor of dung being spewed. I was told once the Greek root of the word politician means "paid liar". Hard for me to argue.

Darn glad to hear folks are still launching their boats.


My guess is more than one barricade is going to become fish cover if this carries on to long. If you wanna p me off just go and mess with my hunting or my fishing. The stupidity of barricading a ramp is mind numbing. That is the COE for you though.

As far as the flood, this is why the Corp should drop the lake a little in the winter. Spring rains are inevitable, there is no reason to be sitting at power pool at the beging of February.

The Corp won't let you drive down in the park just to take a look on Table Rock without paying them $5. Had that happen to me at Moonshine Beach and at Mill Creek this year. At Mill Creek I just wanted to drop off flyers to the guys fishing the Friday Nighter, I couldn't drive, walk, or swim to them without the $5 because I had my boat pass in my other vehicle. I had to pull over and sit for 5 minutes to calm down before I gave the Ranger my $5 to enter the park I've paid for with taxes, and the day use pass I had in my other vehicle. The Corp seems to think they own the water and the land around it, and has fogotten we hired them to maintain and help us enjoy our waterways.

At Diamond City, the Corp just put in some huge rocks on the sides of the ramps. If you get off the ramp marginally you are going to tear some crap up on your boat or trailer. Completely senseless.

A small trail down to your boat dock could cost you several thousand dollars. I understand regulating clearing a hillside to get a lakeview from the top of the will, but trimming some bushes to make a trail....... Please.

The COE also caters to the boat docks in an unreasonable manner in my opinion. At Diamond City, the boat dock owner had a seperate, privately owned fish cleaning station shut down. The remains, that are at least 50 yards from the dock and in the water were a problem for the boat owners, and the Corp shut down the cleaning station. I can't fish within 50 feet of the dock, which gripes me to no end, and now I can't clean a fish over 50 yards from the dock.

At Moonshine Beach, we had an event scheduled just 2 weeks ago, scheduled since June, the Corp had the nerve to call the day before the event to tell us we would not be allowed to use the area. Needless to say I was going to use the area regardless, but after 5 phone calls the OK was received. Pretty standard stuff for dealing with the Corp in my book though.

Just like all things government controled, the COE does a poor job of managing our area lakes, and the access to them.

  On 10/2/2013 at 11:15 PM, Champ188 said:

I happen to know that one among us led the way this morning for a bunch of fishermen who decided to "open" a certain Corps ramp at a certain Corps lake other than TR. I will let him say more, if he wishes to do so.

Good for all involved. To do anything else would be ridiculous.

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Not sure if its still open today, but Cape Fair Marina posted on their FB page yesterday that the campground is closed but boat ramps are open. The parking lot also got a resurfacing this week. They mentioned that at the weigh-in for the Wednesday amateur tourney there were 2 limits of smallies turned in (3 fish limit). I know where I'll be heading this weekend.


Simply pass the.budget the same budget romney ran on. All they need to do is to allow the same dam budget the republicans wanted. Im no obama fan but the parks could be open tomorrow just check your math. He has screwed up alot but the tea party nuts has closed the parks. Im a republican just not blind to the facts


Not blind but maybe not seeing very clearly. If the Tea Party's goals of reduced federal spending, reduction of the fed deficit/debt (which without a focus on soon will shortly crash this country into chaos) and governing by our Constitution are what you call "nuts", you should reconsider.

Whatever bull you lay on the TP beyond that is MSNBC vile commie hatespeech.

Sure we can keep on spending (borrowing from China) as we are now. I'm for trying to save the USA.

God bless the Tea Party Patriots!

"Water is the driving force of all Nature."  -Leonardo da Vinci
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  On 10/4/2013 at 1:31 AM, *T* said:

Not blind but maybe not seeing very clearly. If the Tea Party's goals of reduced federal spending, reduction of the fed deficit/debt (which without a focus on soon will shortly crash this country into chaos) and governing by our Constitution are what you call "nuts", you should reconsider.

Whatever bull you lay on the TP beyond that is MSNBC vile commie hatespeech.

Sure we can keep on spending (borrowing from China) as we are now. I'm for trying to save the USA.

God bless the Tea Party Patriots!

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