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It caught all us church-goers this morning here in Branson. The plowers couldn't get the snow off fast enough on 76 so cars pile up on the west bound hill up to the Roark Valley Rd light intersection. We turned off and hid in Bob Evans for a couple of hours. So did a lot of other people. Had planned to have Darin run down in a pontoon on the lake and pick us up at the Landing cause I knew I could get down hill (we're in Marsha's Chrysler 300) but as I pulled up to 76 I saw a clear path between stalled cars so I took a chance. Got home without incident.

The roads looked like Atlanta there for a while...

My mom, sister and friends are still at First Baptist... fed, warm and going to watch the game there I guess. I REALLY need to get a 4-wheel drive vehicle... been threatening to since the first snow. Lisa's husband Paul will go get them in their Jeep if they want to come home...

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Sitting at 5'' in Rogers now on top of my Bow Target. Highways look decent from the webcams and News but side streets are a nightmare. I just talked to a friend who was trying to drive New Hope and he said people sliding out all over and slick as goose poop on a golf course. Looks like schools are closing down already. More to come all week and freezing temps. Not good on my pocket book as I'm looking at more new rods and reels. Stupid St Croix and Shimano websites!


I had to leave work and go get my daughter in Harrison. After she saw multiple slide offs, when she slid out in a curve, she parked it and called for help.

After getting stuck multiple times and being unable to get to work a few winters ago, I got a 4 wheel drive. No way I would have gotten to Harrison w/o it. The roads were much better on the way home after lots of salt, sand, and plowing, but the snow is absolutely filling the sky. It was tough to breathe without inhaling flakes. I was out shoveling the drive before the snow got hardened. Nasty

It looks like the 3 plus inches I shoveled will be replaced quickly.

Come on Spring.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I have a solid nothing. It missed us completely. I hope it stays that way. I got to go to Herman Friday and work on my daughters house up there. Need to do some framing and electrical. With all their money I do not know why they ask me.


Well, Mary and I flew to Montana Friday evening, so we're missing the latest storm. Of course, it was freezing rain in St. Louis when we left, so we sat on the tarmac for an hour waiting for the de-icers. It was snowing hard in Denver when we landed, and we were supposed to have an hour layover for the flight on to Bozeman and the wait on the tarmac ate up that hour, but no problem, the flight to Bozeman was delayed an hour and a half. It was snowing like crazy in Bozeman when we landed at midnight, and word was that the Bozeman Pass on the interstate between Bozeman and Livingston was a nightmare, so we stayed the night with a friend in Bozeman instead of driving the 30 miles. Got up yesterday morning to 8 inches of new snow, drove to our house in Livingston in bright sunshine and 5 degree temps.

And while it got up close to 30 today, forecast for much of the coming week is for highs in the single digits and lows well below zero. In fact, Wednesday the high is supposed to be -2, the low -12.

Exactly why did we come out here right now?

The river, by the way, is still open in front of the house, though there is enough shelf ice along the banks to make fishing it difficult. This morning, with temps around zero, there was slushy ice floating in mid-channel, but by mid-morning it was gone. A flock of geese spent the day on the gravel bar, kept company by a few mallards who did float trips, flying up to the head of the bar, drifting back down the current to the lower end of the island, and flying back up to do it again. A pair of eagles watched the goings-on for a long while, and whitetails wandered across the yard occasionally.

Oh, I guess I do remember why we came out here after all.

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