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5bites, Thanks for that update from the NRAILA site. I've contacted my representatives regarding corps rule and ccw. Hope that changes nationwide soon.

Thank you *T*!

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Mr Flysmallie,

Me being slow and all I didn't have this at the ready earlier. Go ahead and read it, especially the part I put in all caps for you at the bottom. It's the law. Argue with it all you want. Hope this helps:)

"In accordance with Section 571.107 RSMo., you may not carry a concealed weapon in the following places:

any police, sheriff, or Highway Patrol office or station without consent;

within 25 feet of any polling place on Election Day;

adult or juvenile jail or institution;

courthouse or facilities;

any meeting of a government body (except by a member of the governing body with a concealed carry permit);

bar without consent;


where prohibited by federal law;


child care facility (without consent of man-


riverboat gambling facility;

amusement parks;

any church or place of worship without per-

mission of minister or person representing

religious organization;

any sports arena or stadium (with seating for more than 5,000);

hospitals; and

private or public property where posted.

Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premises of any of the above-listed locations is not prohibited so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises. Carrying a concealed firearm in any location specified above IS NOT A CRIMINAL ACT. However, you can be denied access to the premises or may be removed from the premises for doing so. If a peace officer is summoned:"

Here's a link. It's a wonder you didn't see it yourself on your very own copy and paste adventure. Like most I assume you wanted to manipulate it to your favor by leaving out what worked against your agenda.



I do not think some of you that post on here about carring a concealed weapon are not mature enough and have not thought this out very well. Someone awhile back talked about how they were fishing carring a side arm. It sounded more like just trying to intimadate someone. If you think your going to scare a real bad boy doing that your wrong. To stat with you come in there with a gun on your side you have given him the advantage. Chances or he will get you first. Of course you might think you going to whip out your weapon faster thanhe is. you want to take that gamble.


5bites, here's the deal on fishing tournaments on Corps lakes while carrying ... as long as the law states that you cannot legally carry on COE property, you have broken the rules of most tournaments the minute you enter COE property with your gun. Why? Because practically all tournaments have a rule stating that you must follow all local, state and federal laws and that breaching any of those laws is grounds for disqualification.

I'm not anti-gun by any means, just stating a fact here. If you insist on carrying against COE regulations, there aren't many tournaments you can legally fish.



I do not think some of you that post on here about carring a concealed weapon are not mature enough and have not thought this out very well. Someone awhile back talked about how they were fishing carring a side arm. It sounded more like just trying to intimadate someone. If you think your going to scare a real bad boy doing that your wrong. To stat with you come in there with a gun on your side you have given him the advantage. Chances or he will get you first. Of course you might think you going to whip out your weapon faster thanhe is. you want to take that gamble.

One, I conceal carry.

Two, if he has a weapon pointed at me why would my odds be worse without a gun? There's way to many variables to say who would get the drop on who. Good guys do win too. Sometimes not but I want to control the variables I can. A gun is an equalizer.


5bites, here's the deal on fishing tournaments on Corps lakes while carrying ... as long as the law states that you cannot legally carry on COE property, you have broken the rules of most tournaments the minute you enter COE property with your gun. Why? Because practically all tournaments have a rule stating that you must follow all local, state and federal laws and that breaching any of those laws is grounds for disqualification.

I'm not anti-gun by any means, just stating a fact here. If you insist on carrying against COE regulations, there aren't many tournaments you can legally fish.

I understand that and agree. That also proves a point I made earlier about why would they single that out if that's the reason it's posted.

Not all are launched on COE ramps though. Especially at Grand. You know this. At table rock though what you are saying is more applicable. Also this would change when camp grounds take over a ramp.


I'm not fishing the Oakley one for sure. They are the only ones specifically pointing it out. That's the best way I can answer. Please people if you want to make an accusation read what I've said.

I have my opinion. You have yours. I'm by far not the only one carrying on the water. This is getting comical.


5 bites I would think he would shoot you before you could could level your weapon man. He allready has his out and pointed. If you ever do use that thing understand that you shoild use it with the intensions of killing. Because if you dont oh boy the things that will happen and it will be for more complex. I was told thiis buy a CCW instructor. It is just a very very big spider web you would be stepping into dead or aliive. There is manslaughter, civil suits and all sorts of things coming your way. It is not worth a wallet full of money and credit cards. I cannot see anyway that it is not going to cost you more than you had in your wallet. There is only one thing in missouri that is clearly is a self defense thing and that is home invasion. I would just be real careful.


One, I conceal carry.

Two, if he has a weapon pointed at me why would my odds be worse without a gun? There's way to many variables to say who would get the drop on who. Good guys do win too. Sometimes not but I want to control the variables I can. A gun is an equalizer.

The thread has officially gone off the rails of the crazy train now. Went from a tournament date announcement to the shootout at the O.K. Corral. Easy cowboy.

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